Overdrive launch… 18 & Life

  • When:10/10/14
  • QIC: Hair Band
  • The PAX: Countertop, The Late Show, Swiss Miss, Ice 9, Uncle Leo, Snowflake, Glass Joe, Runstopper, Bratwurst, Double E, Speilberg, Turnpike, Stone Cold, Horse Head. Geraldo, Drop Thrill, Tiger Rag, Hair Band (QIC)

Overdrive launch… 18 & Life

The morning finally arrived, what started out shiny and new has now been put through it’s inaugural downPAINment and it went something like this…

The Thang!

Quick loop around the parking lot (Hair Band Mile) and circle up!
SSH x 20
IW x 25
Slow Prison Squats x 15
Manmakers x 10

Mosey to back for railslides demonstration (for non Outlanders) then mosey to the side and partner up speed/size don’t matter.

P1 runs to do railslides and back, P2 does called exercise until P1 returns, flapjack. Each round 2x
Round 1: Burpees
Round 2: Dips
Round 3: Squats
Round 3 step up/jump up

Mosey to front of school and plank up single file head to toe, wow that’s a long line, Audible! Make 2 lines! (Good call CT)

Intro to Indian Bear Crawls: (In an effort to be politically correct I heard Runstopper yell Native American)
While waiting PAX are doing merkins, The PAX at the #empanage bear crawl to the front. 2 rounds.
Next, on your six! Indian Crab Walk
While waiting PAX are doing LBC’s, #Empanage crab walks to the front. 2 rounds

Recover and grab some wall for People’s Chair! Whoa, why is Runstopper leaning in to whisper in my ear?! Q-Jack! Basically stay on the wall a loooooong time and throw your hands up in the air with some calf raises thrown in for good measure. #Nochickenlegs

Off the wall, circle back up. It’s an honor to have Jack Webb visit the launch of Overdrive!
1 merkin to 4 air presses up to 10

Flutter IC to 20
TR Q-jack to intro us to the single leg flutter & dolly

Recover and done!

So I figured if I showed up at 5:15 I would be one of the first to the AO outside of those pre-beatdown runners, never thought I would be pulling into a crowd at that time. Seems the #clowncar got there from the Arboretum in 10-15 minutes. So for all the Area51 guys who complain about distance, it’s not as far as you think! (Or Stone Cold has a Delorean with a Flux Capacitor)

While I have Q’ed at Outland a bunch of times now, today oddly felt like my first, as witnessed in the COP when I mumbled something like “Exercise posit…Ready… ugh, Move…” Why not, let’s start the Q heckling early. And thanks to CT for the loaner time piece, can’t believe I forgot my watch. #Iknowbetter

Overall a strong showing by all the PAX, I’m not sure what TR was doing at one point during partner work though, it was either Cumberland County Viaducts or Jane Fonda Yoga. #samething
Great to see HorseHead back at it after being on IR for a while and Drop Thrill and Turnpike get stronger every week. Also #Kotters to Spielberg for getting out there after a long break to help support the launch.

It was great having our Outland crew represent and I really appreciate the Area51 guys making the effort to come out and support this launch, it was humbling and an honor to see the crowd and be able to lead today! On top of all of that, a Hair Band always appreciates something like 18 & Life being sung after the 18 count while getting my phone, not sure who threw that out there though.

Thanks to TR for taking us out at the end.


  • Union County Expansion is kicking it into… overdrive if you will. New workouts coming soon!
  • Bratwurst will launch one Wednesday November 5th at Marvin Ridge, details being finalized.
  • Ice 9 & Snowflake will be launching a Saturday workout November 15th in the Weddington/Wesley Chapel area, details also being finalized.
  • All you runners need to get signed up for Thunder Road. Check the website, there is a discount code for F3, also fill out the online form which will help teams be matched up by target pace etc.
  • Last but not least most of my backblasts should be shorter going forward and feel free to fill anything I missed in the comments. Always an honor.


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Hair Band useradmin

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Cheese Curd
9 years ago

Someone actually knew the lyrics to that song?! OLD! I had to YouTube the song, not sure if the video made it better or worse, WOW! I am so glad I grew up with grunge rock! Based on the music coming out of TR’s ride, I know it wasn’t him. I actually don’t know how to classify his musical taste

Thanks for pointing out that Overdive isn’t THAT far out, hope to visit the AO soon! Good luck out there!

Drop Thrill
Reply to  Cheese Curd
9 years ago

So you’re calling me old Cheese Curd? Um, guilty as charged.

I wasn’t the one that had the idea, but I relayed the message to HB on his way out the parking lot. And tweetered it too.

Great to be at my first launch and to see so many A51 guys there. Now let me get off my #six and go run before Outland.


Drop Thrill
Reply to  Drop Thrill
9 years ago

And we don’t know how to classify TR at all, not just his music.

9 years ago

Fun lead, Hairband. I gotta say, if Runstopper was going to properly jack your Q, he needed to take us to 150 reps as promised/threatened. Have to call that a “half-jack.”

Also, we got a call from the school security camera folks about Tiger Rag’s shirt. Can’t disclose the content of the call on this website. But it is bad.

9 years ago

Strong start Hairband. You managed to find most of my Krypronite today with crab walks, bear crawls and People’s Chair. Love the AO and getting to meet the Pax of backblast legend.
Cobains for not being the polite Q-Jacker that Runstopper was–I get excited about one-legged Mary (my mom, Mary, has one leg). If I stepped on any toes there I apologize.

Looking forward to watching Union County expand. Lots of activity from Sun Valley to Weddington. Get your EHs line up.

9 years ago

Lots of memories this AM

Runstopper in what appeared to be full body spandex, or a husky toddler wetsuit, bent over in front of me during the Indian walk thing. That was bad times.

#Cringer and his dirty stick and Clempson tuxedo spending time in the back of his #Treehicle doing God knows what before the workout. I smelt Patchouli and Brut33 and I think there were beads.

Me almost pulling a #3 into the wall during the round-the-corner move to the #TonyHawk #MikeMcGill station. Turned too soon. That would have been hilarious for everyone else.

Sounds like everyone had a good time. Thanks everyone for coming out to the UC.

Double E
9 years ago

Awesome lead today HB! That was a great way to kick it into Overdrive! Also great seeing many of the regular Outland crew and the PAX that migrated south this morning to launch this workout right! I was fortunate that the launch was on a teachers work day and fortunate that HH felt compelled to bust out his horrific pre-workout music selection for all to enjoy yet once again. Looking forward to growing #F3UCo with the current and soon to be men #EHTime of F3! Aye!

Counter Top
Counter Top
9 years ago

great job on Q brother and great backblast.

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