Despite a near-fartsack (alarm clock fail), YHC arrived with 5 minutes to spare, sans watch. With a loaner watch secured from Header (thank you), 19 pax cast off for a moderate beatdown and minimal running.
The Thang
Mosey to parking lot behind the school
Mosey to playground. Ask Geraldo for directions to nearest pullup-capable equipment. (can’t see out here)
“Marsha” – “Cindy’s” big sister
Rinse and repeat for 20 minutes. Periodically check to ensure the timer is working.
Mosey to bleachers
Rinse and repeato 3x total, dropping the burpees after the 1st set. (lunges + burpees made the legs too wobbly for the jump ups. #safetyfirst)
Mosey to the outfield & find some nice dry grass. Settle for soaking wet, but cool grass.
Mosey back to starting point, backpeddling across the big lot, circle once to keep the pax together. Stop briefly for 5 burpees.
Time remaining – 1:00
YHC arrived a little rattled this morning, having awoken late, strickly by the grace of God, after an alarm clock fail. Literally, every Q, YHC dreams of oversleeping and missing his Q, and today was a close one. Thanks for your support as the game face was applied and the groove was found.
Thanks to Header for the loaner watch. Rushing out of the house, that was left behind and was critical for the first half of the workout. Other pax may have wished Header’s had been left at home too, judging by the mumblechatter; however, working for a set time, instead of counting sets, as it allows each pax to push themselves or moderate as needed.
“Cindy” is a favorite CrossFit workout that YHC uses quarterly at F3 Ascent to enable the pax to guage their progress. While easily modifiable to suit most any fitness level, it is a beast. And, it lacks ab work. So, to address both, YHC added some Freddie Mercury into the mix, and called it “Marsha”, Cindy’s big sister. Not sure whether the FM was the right addition, so stay tuned for future concoctions.
For many of the pax, today was their first experience with the Cumberland County Viaduct. Lots of mumblechatter on the origin of the movement. YHC will have to defer to our subject matter expert, Hops, for enlightenment. Hopefully you left with tighter love handles.
While on the subject of Mary, lying in the cool wet grass did feel nice; a pleasant change from the hot mugginess of earlier this week. Too bad we didn’t lie around much.
YHC had tweeted out another 0.25 prediction for today’s mileage. Being new to the AO, I’m not real sure, but I’m betting we were slightly over 0.25 (under promise, over deliver), maybe right at 0.50. Not too bad considering how we moved around campus.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead today. Always an honor.
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