11 men gathered in the gloom at Olde Providence this morning for a trip off campus.
Run to Good Shepherd for short COP / warm up
SSH x20
IW x 20
Mountain Climber x10
Continue on Swan’s Run (mini-plank to regroup at midpoint) to dead end, left onto Bon Rea
Wrong turn into someone’s drive way. Let’s try that again….around the barricade and right onto Arboretum View. Hop the fence to enter Cedarwood. Welcome to hole 5:
The 5th hole is a par 4, where you need to carry the water with your drive to have any chance of making par. Fortunately, we all avoided the water.
Partner up for some down and back partner work. Partner A runs to the pond for 20 merkins while Partner B performs called exercise AMRAP (alternated core / leg) until Partner A returns.
Exercises included LBCs, squats, elbow plank, jump lunges, flutter, jump squats…maybe two more.
Everyone run to pond for 10 burpees. Run +/- 1.2 miles back to COT.
Olde Providence is a great AO, so I kind of felt bad venturing off campus, but I wanted to add a little variety to the mix. I worked at a golf course one summer growing up, and I still remember watching the mist rise off the pond as the sun is coming up. I loved that, so I wanted to venture over to the ponds at Cedarwood. Call it whatever you want, nostalgia or trespassing. Semantics.
I had a tough time deciding whether to do this, or something similar at the OP playground that would have been better Mud Run prep. I’ll hold onto that other plan for next time. If you hated the running, you can blame Gummy for the +/- 3.5 miles we covered this morning.
After Fast Twitch earlier this week, Niles made his second post to Hydra today. Unlike Fast Twitch, we don’t normally cover this much ground at Hydra. It would be a waste of a great AO to go off campus all the time. Speaking of off campus adventures, Hopper found an ant mound on the course during the elbow plank. Might want to take that up with course maintenance or a doctor. Far Side made his annual post to Hydra and said he’d see us next year…then proceeded to beat everyone back to COT by about a minute on that final mile. He was probably the only person back by 6:15. Cobains to everyone else on time management for thinking 8-minutes was sufficient. DK had an interesting approach to arriving second: sprint then walk. Not sure who was leading the other group, but Hopper and Bugeater (after his 5 AM 5k) were out front in mine. I appreciate the opportunity to lead, Bugeater! I enjoyed it this morning, gents.
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