Now for Something a Little Different

  • When:7/11/2014
  • QIC: Chelms aka Tater Tot
  • The PAX: Chelms aka Tater Tot, Escargot, Shocker (WB), Mermaind (KB), Cain, Jamboree, Haskell, Wingman, FNG Fried Okra (WB), Madam Tussaud, Freelys Comet, Philmont, Brushback, Champagne (KB), Purple Haze (KB), Billy Jean, Abacus (KB?), Mike Check, Brisket, Rip Curl (WD), Magee, Outback

Now for Something a Little Different

Ok – the Featured Image is the same as last night and I had my usual number of Q fails but the work-out was out of ordinary for Centurion – no running or sprints.    Makes it a little harder to push the PAX, 22 of whom showed up, but YHC did his best.

The Thang:

Mosey to parking lot for COP (we settled in for long COP)


  • SSHX30
  • 15 burpees
  • MerkinsX20
  • SquatsX25

Round 1 – She Hate Me (see lexicon for history) – OYO

  • 10 lunges each leg (20 count), 10 merkins, 10 burps – as many as you can do until Q says halt (pretty sure I did 1 more round than PH and Mermaid but 3 less than Magee)

Round 2 – Mini Tabatta (20 seconds on and 10 second rest for 4 minutes)

  • Round 1 – LBC’s
  • Round 2 – Merkins (called off at about 3 minutes due to Q shoulders going numb – IR has YHC out of shape)

Round 3 – Dirty MacDeuce (chest/abs/core)  – 4 sets of 3 exercises in cadence to 12 with 10 burpees in between each set (supposed to be 12 seconds of rest but men of Centurion don’t need rest)

  • Round 1 – Squats/CDD/Flutter
  • Round 2 – One legged SSH/Wide Arms/rosalita
  • Round 3 – Imperial walker/Peter Parker/dolly
  • Round 4 – Rotating jump squat/Parker Peter/Freddie Mercury

Mosey to entrance to school for bear crawl/monkey humper jumps (#Qfail)/balls to the wall walk circuit X2

Mosey to picnic tables for 20 dips, 15 decline merkins, and 10 jump ups X3

Mosey back to parking lot for Magee audible – burpee broad jumps from 2nd light to 4 light (or until time runs out for everyone but Magee)


Naked Moleskin:

Q gave warning via pre-blast that no running would be invovled as running and gout don’t go together.    Ankle felt great afterward so I made the right call (for me at least – PAX is third) but I prefer to run more so don’t plan on repeat.

Good to see Magee out at Centurion for first time – double hate pushed the PAX.  Come back anytime (or every time).

Welcome FNG Fried Okra – Doug Brown.  Doesn’t get easier but you will get stronger if you show up.   Hope to see you again next week.

Shout out below if you want credit for KB work.    Forgot to ask who showed up early.


F3 Dads this Saturday at Francis Beatty at 9, Champagne organizing tutoring program at Matthews Elementary (Think that is what he said – watch for preblast or contact Champagne), summer volunteer opportunities at AG Middle School (2 hours normal from 12:30 to 2:30 – email me at if you can help), The Stand meets every Friday at Panera right next door after Centurion, and Mud Run sign up deadline is next week.

As always, it is an honor and privilege to lead such a great group of men.



About the author

Chelms aka Tatertot author

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Purple Haze
10 years ago

Chelms, pretty solid workout…all the pushing after Champagne’s KB ladder was hard. Also, my mind got the best of me knowing we were going to just be standing in place doing one exercise right after the other, as running for me gives me a little break from getting all swole up.

I agree…you were one round ahead of me on She Hate Me…but it certainly wasn’t one round of lunges and merkins. Those are the exercises I did but I have no idea what it was you were doing up there…but I will call them alternating slight knee bends and downward dog head bobs until I can think of something more creative.

10 years ago

Smoker today Chelms – looked at my watch and it was only 5:40 and already shoulders feeling smoked – did some excavation in the pain cave this morning. Thanks for the lead. Also any Pax interested in helping out with tutoring this fall, shoot me an email. You have to be listed with CMS.

10 years ago

Solid Q Chelms. That one hurt. T claps for pulling it off with no running. I second the pain PH mentioned post KB with all the push work. You most certainly were at least one round ahead of me on She Hate Me. Strong work. Get healed up so we can go back to Palatine Hill so you can race myself and Tussaud. Actually, heal quickly because I have the Q next week. T claps to Haze for making me laugh out loud at his comment.

10 years ago

Can confirm that I was there for pre-KB work as were Cain and Madam Tussaud along with previously named attendees. Can also confirm that work-out this morning sucked. Won’t go so far as to say I would have preferred seeing you unload the logs that we hoisted a while back, but would have much preferred a little more running. The first 20-30 minutes seemed to go on forever and we hadn’t even left the COP.

10 years ago

Great Q Chelms! I agree with all comments above regarding the misery of the first 25mins. I was slipping into a dark place before we switched locations. We continue to poke the bear and you continue to make us pay for it, even with handicap. I may need to start considering some sort of sweat absorbing head gear. Wiping my face with an already soaked shirt is not cutting it anymore. Welcome to the Centurion Magee. Look forward to seeing you there more hopefully. Welcome to F3 Fried Okra. It hurts for a while, but the combination of fitness, fellowship, and faith will have an incredible impact on your life if you let it.


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