The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Moaning and Grunting

  • When:05/27/14
  • QIC: Alf
  • The PAX: Prohibition, Stage Coach, Gummy, Mall Cop, Young Love FT-FNG, Baracus, FNG - Thurston, Sprout, Fraiser, Turkey Leg, Chelms aka Tater Tot, Soul Glow, Purple Haze, Splinter, 49er, Hairball FT-FNG, Hannibal, Spackler, Wolfman (LIFO), Alf

The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Moaning and Grunting

Summer hours are supposed to mean knocking off a half day on Friday to start drinking beers outside.  Not so for the 20 men who joined Fast Twitch’s “Summer Hours” this AM.  It’s only one full hour, but feels like so much more.

Jog around the cars with some high knees and butt kickers.


  • SSH x25 IC
  • IW x 20 IC
  • Merkins x 15 IC (this is about when YHC heard the calls for “I thought this was a running workout”)

The Thang:

  • Run through Raintree to the base of the hill on Windbluff ~1 mile
  • Partner up.  Partner 1 lunge walks up hill, Partner 2 runs to top of hill, to the bottom, then catches partner 1 on the way back up.  Partner 2 continues lunge walks up the hill while Partner 1 runs to top, bottom, then back to Partner 2.  Keep the rotation to the top.  Once the lunge walkers reach the top, jog to bottom and repeat.
  • A little Jacob’s ladder with Merkins/Squats at the top.  in sets of 5, 10, 15 & 20.  The early finishers run back down to meet the late finishers and run with them to the top.
  • Run back to track via Raintree and Rt 51.
  • Circle up for LBC’s, Flutters, Dolly’s all x 25 IC.
  • 5 minutes left – Enough time to knock down 800m around the track and back to the parking lot for COT.


  • Rumor had it that we covered 4.8 miles this morning.  Maybe a bit shorter than the last few Twitch’s but I think everyone had enough of the hills.  All got at least 8 to 9 turns up Windbluff.  The good news is that these hills are much smaller than BRR!
  • A big group today as many are in full BRR preparation or trying to slim up to get that summer beach body.  My guess is Frasier and Turkey Leg were in it for the latter.
  • Welcome to the site FNG’s Hairball and Young Love and to F3 FNG Evan Howell (Thurston).  Way to keep up the pace this morning!


  • Golf on Thursday.
  • Everything else on June 14.  Olympics, F3 Dads, F3 Pool Party, neighborhood garage sale, free document shredding @ town hall, the new 22 Jump Street Movie opens, and my wife has a hair appointment.  Shout out in the comments if  I missed anything
  • Next Thursday, June 5 @ 7:30PM starts the first running of F3 Night Train.  This once a week run is for everyone, but mainly to support BRR training and running 2x in one day with little recovery, assuming you ran Thursday AM.   Starting point will be ABC at the Arbo for week 1.  Starting point will vary to find some good hills, and announced on Twitter.  Distance will be whatever you need, similar to Rum Runner format, but not meant to be your LSD for the week.  I would guess most PAX will end up with 4-6 miles on the evening, but go longer or shorter if  you want.

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10 years ago

Alf – good Q brother. no need to be nervous leading FT when one can just take the Pax to a large hill and command them to take the hill over and over.

Haze went sneaky on me trying to get a jump start on me racing up the hill at the end. My head was not in the game, can’t believe I was not prepared. Good try there brother. Next time I will give you a 20 meter head start.

Speaking of a head start. I tried to get a head start on that 800. I knew Frasier would pass me. I kept wondering WHEN he was going to pass me. Then about 300 meters in, I heard the ominous sound of “swish/swish/swish” from his shorts. For a solid 10-15 seconds, I felt like I was in a Jaws movie “da-dum,da-dum,da-dum” just waiting for Frasier to overtake me.

Purple Haze
10 years ago

Alf…way to bring us another awful FT. It had been a while since we had stormed the hill on Windbluff. I really missed it. Today should have ended at 6:00.

Splinter…it seems to be a tradition now that we race up that hill, so I could not pass it up. I have no hope of ever winning but it is nice to see I can make you take off whenever I want. #PuppetStrings

Solid work by my hill partner Hannibal, including his sprint to stay ahead of me at the end of the 800s.

Chelms – Sorta good to have you back after your trip to Europe. I know you missed me.

Spackler – Mailed in another FT. #refusenik

Reply to  Purple Haze
10 years ago

First off, mailing it in is not #refusenik. I did everything today just a bit slower than most days. Flew under the radar if you will. And it was a smart move because i know this machine of a body i inhabit was reeling from the previous days festivities.

Was a solid Q Alf. And by solid I really mean that I didn’t appreciate it very much at all. Nobody should have to hit Windybluff that much. And thank you for not taking my suggestion of a backwards lunge up that monster.

Purple Haze
Reply to  Spackler
10 years ago

Definitional technicality

Chelms aka Tatertot
Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  Alf
10 years ago

Alf – That may be the most sensitive main image of any BB I”ve ever seen. Are you feeling ok today?

Reply to  Chelms aka Tatertot
10 years ago

many people complain about the high suck factor of FT. That is True. Maybe the site Q’s need better marketing schemes for FT. But the truth will always remain if you want an easy workout Skunkworks is the way to go on Tuesdays. Just ask FT FNG Young Love.

Young Love
Reply to  Chelms aka Tatertot
10 years ago

I have yet to do an easy workout on a Tuesday. (Not sure I’ve ever seen an easy F3 workout, although one involving a “weaving bear crawl” might have come close). Splinter, you’re welcome to borrow my old, smaller bell anytime you want to see what suck Skunk can do to you. It’d be interesting to see what happens to a runner as he develops pecs.

10 years ago

Good workout, Alf. That was the longest 5 mile run of my life. That was my first trip to the Windbluff Hill. I didn’t like it very much. Both times I got to the top doing lunges, I had to run down, up, down and then halfway up to catch Chelms. Not cool.

It’s good to see most of my BRR team out there. I had a nice perspective from behind all of them. Maybe I should be the driver.

Chelms aka Tatertot
Chelms aka Tatertot
10 years ago

Alf – Great job dishing out a workout I didn’t want to do but needed. I’ll blame my last place finish on the run back to the school on my 10 days of R and R. For the record, I was first in the run over to Windbluff so my return was not as bad I had feared.

PH – Sort of good to be back. Would have been better if you had fartsacked.

Young Love
10 years ago

Very nice job, Alf. These “grind ’em out” workouts are great. Beat down the soul while breaking down the body. My first time to Fast Twitch did not disappoint. I’ll be back, if only so that I can try to catch someone. Anyone.

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