17 men and some wildlife took to the track and the streets today for a reprise of some of Fast Twitch’s greatest hits.
Warm-up: 2 laps around track, easy pace
The Mile: 4 laps, aim for best time.
Semi-Gloss, 7:36
Blades of Glory, 7:03
Sprout, 6:45
Prohibition, 6:33
Boutique, 6:30
Hannibal, 6:17
Cheese Curd, 6:16
Cole Slaw, 6:15
Baracus, 6:14
Spackler, 6:13
Hops, 6:10
49er, 6:09
Purple Haze, 6:06
Rock Thrill, 6:04
Soul Glow, 5:56
Turkey Leg, 5:55
Slim Fast, 5:53
Bambi, 4:03*
*note: disqualified for encroachment
Mosey back to parking lot. Line up for Cowboy Run. Similar to Indian Run but YHC stays out in front varying the pace, while rear runner comes up from beind to file in behind the leader and maintain pace. Continue one mile to bottom of Coburn.
11’s on Coburn hill: squats at bottom, LBCs up top.
Catch-me if you can w/5 merkins: up Coburn to Cary Ridge and to 51.
Moderate run to Davie Park; run to back of top lot; AYG back down to gate
Line up for indian run back to campus
Total mileage: 6.33
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