Nice Easy Stroll

  • When:05/14/14
  • QIC: Stagecoach
  • The PAX: Geraldo, Far Side, Header (KB), Joker, Calloway (Kotters), Semi-Gloss (KB), Coal Miner’s Daughter, Slim Fast, Bulldog (KB), Sussudio (KB), Lazyboy, Strawberry, Beaker, Busch (KB), Fireman Ed (KB), Brown (KB), Passport, Cheese Curd (WV), Puddin Pop, The Shore, Hacker, Heartbreaker, Stagecoach (KB)

Nice Easy Stroll

Twenty three guys posted. It felt like mid-July with the thick humidity. The shovel flag was planted and off we went.

Start with a bear crawl across the parking lot (about 40 yards) then jog it back.


  • Double Burpees x 10
  • SSH x 31
  • IW x 31
  • Mountain Climbers x 31

Run to Davie Park along Hwy 51.

40 Burpees, split across 4 random points along the way


  • Pull ups x 10
  • Donkey kicks on swing (with a merkin) x 20
  • Derkins x 30
  • LBC x 40
  • Repeat for 3 rounds

Head over to parking lot and partner up

P1 – Run to gate and back

P2 – Called exercise

Flapjacks after each round

Round 1 – Bear Crawl

Round 2 – Crab walk

Mosey to field

Partner over under x 10

Run back to SCMS, faster guys start Mary

1 legged burpees x 5 each leg



  • I guess summer time is here. 100% humidity. We’ll stop sweating in September.
  • Joker was showing off and did triple burpees in COP.
  • Starting off with the bear crawl threw the pax off of their game. It did, however, set the tone for the mumble chatter.  Mission accomplished.
  • The run to Davie park was fun, with burpees mixed in to keep the group together.
  • I thought about taking us up to the turf field to compete against the ladies group, but we didn’t have enough time at the end. We did manage to get a few whistles and howls out of the ladies. I think they were aimed in Fireman Ed’s direction.
  • Cheese Curd and Semi-Gloss were practically begging for 1 legged burpees by the end of the workout. You’re welcome.
  • Sound off in the comments if you have any other amusing things to share.


  • 3rd F workouts Wednesday morning at Starbucks in Piper Glen. New book series starts next week. Watch Twitter for announcement about what the book will be.
  • 3rd F workout Threshold – Today at Noon at Bojangles in Southpark
  • HDHH today – The Lodge at Colony Place.
  • F3 golf – sign up! You’re running out of time if you haven’t signed up yet.
  • F3 Dads – Will begin 6/14 and run each Saturday the whole summer. Contact Header for more info or if you’re interested in helping out.
  • KB clinic at The Rock this Saturday at 6:00. Will be led by Byron.
  • Keep Pele and his family in your prayers.

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Stage Coach author

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10 years ago

I was “all hat and no cattle” on the triple burpees… just trash talk, with nothing to back it up. Fireman Ed informed me he put a beer tap in his garage. He shouldn’t have mentioned that to me; and I certainly shouldn’t have mentioned it here. Just name the time and place Fireman Ed… HDHH in your garage!

High Tide
Reply to  Joker
10 years ago

That’s it! Our June HDHH mosey will be to Fireman Ed’s! #nopabstplease
Let’s spread the word.

Cheese Curd
Reply to  High Tide
10 years ago

I was going to comment on the workout, but HC me FE garage

Reply to  Joker
10 years ago

Wasn’t at DV this morning, but I want to know when Fireman Ed opens the garage for business! HC here.

Cheese Curd
10 years ago

As for the workout, SC has a secret affair with burpess. I enjoyed the DBL variety today.

Bulldog thought it would be funny to throw a quick Q’jack for me to lead some Mary before COT. With the weight vest, it became apparent my cadence got softer once I hit 20, however, we even got some J Lo’s in. Ok, some of the Pax got the J Lo, others just commented on my style!

I should never taunt the Q the day before. In OT, 10 one legged burpees. I am very happy I just removed the WV.

10 years ago

High tide, why wait til June?! There’s 3 good Wednesday’s left in May!! Fireman Ed, you got anything in your garage besides old paint and rusty nails for my kids to play with? If so, frost up the mugs!! Great idea, way to step up and invite Area51 in to your home!

Reply to  Brown
10 years ago

Oh, stagecoach, thanks for the continuous Death Valley brutality! Always a good lead in to HDHH!

High Tide
Reply to  Brown
10 years ago

Brown, now you’ve really got me thinking! If Fireman Ed does have things for the kids to play with (like sticks, rocks, etc), that opens up a whole new realm of possibilities. He could host F3 Dads one weekend. He could host a Date Night service, watching our 2.0’s, while we take our M’s on a date! (this may merit more thought, though, regarding extended FE influence on impressionable young minds…)

Reply to  High Tide
10 years ago

HT has many good ideas!

Fireman Ed
Reply to  Baracus
10 years ago

Well I see this escalated rather quickly. We can have a happy the at the gargae on HDHH. I just need to get another barrel and some meat balls, Radars favorite. As for rusty nails and broken glass I will see what I can do for the group. Ps we are a proud sponsor for the Adopt A Keg Foundation.

Fireman Ed
10 years ago

Oh yeah, great pre kb workout and great lead stagecoach I was toast.

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