Are Fence Burpees considered tapering

Are Fence Burpees considered tapering

21 brave souls decided that taper was not on their agenda this week and posted for some Hydra love for the upcoming Mud Run.

Baby Jog around track x 2 – 25 Squats after first lap, 25 merkins second lap

Jog to field – COP *=In Cadence

SSH x 20*
10 Burpees OYO
IW x 20*
8 Burpees OYO
Slow Squat x 15*
6 Burpees OYO
Merkins x 15*
4 Burpees OYO
Mission Impossible Peter Parkers x 10*
2 Burpees OYO

MudRun Prep time
Number off to 4.
4 Pain Stations

Start at your number and work your way around clockwise x 2

Station 1 The Track: 10 burpees, lunge walk 50 yards, 15 divebomb merkins, 20 rocker hoppers

Station 2 The Field: 10 burpees, bearcrawl 50 yards, 15 CDDs, 20 Squat Jumps

Station 3 The Concession Stand: 10 burpees, 15 derkins, 20 dips

Station 4 The Playground: 10 fence burpees, 15 pullups, 20 merkins

Just enough time for Mary.

LBCs x 25*
Elbow Plank – 90 seconds, then 10 counts from Skywalker, Hops and Kirk.

Mole Skin:

Thanks for the opportunity to lead such a solid group of men like this today, it is a honor and privilege.

Strong work out there today by everyone. YHC was smoked at the end of this one.

Welcome back 90210 and welcome FNG DoDoBird – keep coming back – it will get easier and it will change you.

YHC wanted some final mud run prep and what better way to get it than being Q – thanks for allowing me the opportunity and coming along for the ride.

Not much 2nd F out there today – mostly due to O2 deprivation on YHC part and plus the pax got pretty spread out.

Enjoyed hanging with guys in the gloom this AM. Can’t think of a better way to start the day.


Mud Run Saturday – if you still owe for buses please pay Stage Coach.

Meeting at South Charlotte middle school 4:45am Saturday – Wheels Up at 5:00 so be on time.

Crush the MudRun.

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Champagne author

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Cheese Curd
10 years ago

Fence jump burpees…cruel! Strong lead Champagne AND you did it with a Weight Vest (WV). Solid!

I will admit I was sort of lost before we took off, glad my group remembered each pain station.

My M recruited FNG-DoDo Bird/…thanks for coming out, welcome!

Cheese Curd
10 years ago

Also, Kirk…I think I stole you ten count..sorry! I heard something resembling “Curd, give me a ten count” and wanted the pain to stop! See you boys Sat!

Reply to  Cheese Curd
10 years ago

No worries – you jumped in so quick that I just thought I heard wrong.

Good stuff today. Hopefully the mud runners appreciate minimal running today!

For anyone not doing the mud run or anyone wanting a challenge – a few of us are hitting up Muthaship Monday next week. Join us!

5:15 at Captain Jack (corner of Kings Dr. and 4th St)

10 years ago

Good to be back after a week on IR. Strong work by Kirk and IH…and I’m sure others. MudRun will be a blast fellas. If you’re not signed up for the Spring…be sure to sign up for Fall. My favorite event – best 2nd F in F3 – and if you can do a Saturday workout in F3 – you can do the USMC MudRun.
Solid Q Champagne – the Mission Impossible Peter Parkers should really be called Spiderman Spidermans.

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