Twenty four Pax stepped up in the gloom to share the Q…some for the first time.
Pre Thang Ball of Man
Mosey to Soccer Field and circle up
Each Pax contributed, save 5 or 6, to Q’ing an exercise of his choice to include:
Side Straddle Hop
Sister Mary Catherines
Slow Squats
Jog around the school
Starfish with 3 stations
Rock Hoppers
Side Straddle Hops again
After roughly 20 exercises, Q called audible to mosey to Football Field
Exercise RAMP adding a new exercise with each round so that round 1 has one exercise, round 2 has the first and a second exercise, etc. as follows:
1. Partner over/under x 10 then Flapjack (Later switched to CCV’s x 15 in cadence)
2. P1 Cartwheels to 10yd then Bear Crawls back while P2 LBC’s then Flapjack
3. By round 3, Pax chose to do 10 Burpees to select a new first exercise…Cumberland Co. Viaduct, then added the third exercise…Wheelbarrows to 20yd then Flapjack
Planks between Rounds
Welcome FNG’s Pusher and Locksmith!!
YHC attempted to “pay it forward” to the Pax in an effort to let everyone get exposure to Q today. It was very interesting in many ways. A shout out from one of our Pax (Preemy?) that it was only his second F3 attendance and he was already leading an exercise was quickly met with two FNGs getting the chance to lead. #baptismbyfire With roughly 10 more Pax participating than the Q expected, and when Kirk and Calloway took the COP into a lap around the school and a starfish routine, the Q needed to call an audible to recover any semblance of the original weinke by moseying the Pax to the Football Field for a mud bath. #bringtowelsorsubscribetoanAutoBellmembership
All delivered handsomely on the over/unders yet likely averaged somewhere near a 7.5 when it came to the cartwheels. However, the Pax noted that Mary Lou Retton has nothing on Donkey Kong.
It appeared that a number of Pax were taking a post Hydra jog at first glance. YHC didn’t realize that our FNG, Bean Counter, had lost his car keys and was joined by fellow Pax to begin searching for the same. We are sorry for your loss. You are now RENAMED LOCKSMITH.
Thank you for the opportunity to lead. You guys are great!
Please reach out to @LabratF3 if you might have an unwanted flag that you wish to retire. His church’s Boy Scout Troop is accepting these now. He will be at Joust and Compass, tomorrow, and at Olympus this Saturday. THE DEADLINE FOR THIS IS SUNDAY
Very creative and tiring workout yesterday. The one legged burpees was a new one for me. I reall don’t understand by it needed to be one legged as burpees are hard enough as it is! And regarding Missing KeyGate, Locksmith did end up finding his key. Rumor has it he interrupted an intense game of kickball to continue the search.
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