Yasso 800 for Faster Speed at Fast Twitch

Yasso 800 for Faster Speed at Fast Twitch

With only a virtual shovel flag at hand,10 men gathered in the early gloom for some speed work to get a sense of our time for Thunder Road

The Thang:

Warm up COP – SSH X30, Merkins X10, Peter Parkers X20, Imperial Walkers X20

Yasso 800 – Alternate 400 meter recovery jog and 800 meter speed run.  Yasso 800 is supposed to allow you to predict your marathon/half marathon time based on your average time over 10 sets of 800 meters.    Avg 4 minute time for 10 sets of 800 meters would equate to 4 hour marathon/2 hour half.  Avg 3 min 30 sec time would equate to 3.5 hour marathon or 1.45 minute half.    This one was OYO but looked like everyong did a good job of pushing themselves.  We can’t get in 10 sets in 45 minutes (maybe Frasier) so everyone will have to try it another day when they have an hour (or more) to get a good sense of time.

COP – Mary (Dolly, High Flutter, Slow Bicycle, Protactor) while the PAX finishes their last set.


Naked Moleskin

Light crowd as I couldn’t get the Kingswood guys out of the fart sack (Leroy, Cadillac, and FNG for next week).   This was my first time running the Yasso and it is simple way to gauge where you are in terms of time for the marathon or half.  The Q has some work to do to hit my goal of 1:45 in the half but at least I have an idea of where I am.

I’d like to think the time shown in the featured image is mine but no way I can sell that one.  Frasier might be able to give it try – he was moving.  Slim Fast was right there with him and TL passed me in the last set for three Larry Birds (at least).   Next time I’ll go back to my strength – burpee/squat suicide ladder.

Announcements – Rock Thrill noted there will be a 5k race in Fort Mill coming up to support a charity in honor of his younger brother who passed away a few years ago.  Keep an eye out for a pre-blast on the web site or the weekly South Charlotte email blast for sign up information, time and date.

Tutoring continues at Billiingsville (Wed at 4:30) and AG Middle School (Thursday at 4:00 for recreation and 4:45 for tutoring if you can’t make it early).  Would love to have more men and I encourage everyone to try it at least once.  Contact me at pchepul@gmail.com for more information.



About the author

Chelms aka Tatertot author

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Purple Haze
11 years ago

Nice Q this morning Chelms. Just what those SOBs from Bagpipe want to hear…that the Men of Fast Twitch are getting even faster.

Ran the warmup lap with Frasier…then he realized that we had actually started and off he went into the darkness, never to be seen again. Sad that my pace in the first half of the first interval was still at a warmup pace for him. He is a beast.

High Tide
11 years ago

I keep thinking to myself, “self, you need to get out to Fast Twitch and work on your running, as yours is woefully inadequate.” And then, I read a Fast Twitch backblast occasionally, as I have today, and I have this sinking feeling that I need to get in shape before I get in shape! Great work, guys! (I would say it’s inspiring, but it is actually a bit intimidating!) Keep your speed up! (esp on short final…)

Purple Haze
Reply to  High Tide
11 years ago

High Tide, listen to yourself and get your butt out there. No need for intimidation brother.

Mall Cop
Mall Cop
11 years ago

High Tide, the only way to get faster and stronger is to run with faster guys, and workout with stronger guys. Speaking from experience (and I’m still a slow Clydesdale) you just have to resolve to do it. Remember that F3 is all about you vs you, the whole pax is out there to encourage you and help you push yourself. There’s no judgement and no intimidation. Better to get out there and do it, then procrastinate and not do it. If you wait until your “In Shape” you’ll never post to Fast Twitch. Let me know when you want to post to your first FT workout and I’ll post with you, that way we can keep eachother company at the back of the pack! #ironsharpensiron

11 years ago

Looks like a great workout. I was with you in spirit [while sleeping in my bed].

And what is the deal with the “aka”… are you a Chelms or a Tater Tot, or stuck in transition?

Strange Brew
Strange Brew
11 years ago

No excuses HT, I’m usually out there (if I’m not traveling), hard to get lost on a track or if we go on road I’ll be there with you with my blinking vest and headlamp on, no worries, all comers get a good running style beatdown, sometimes with math and science involved such as today but it all ends up with just do what the Q says and off you go. No doubt FT has made me faster (all things relative, I’m not fast, just faster).

Strange Brew
Strange Brew
11 years ago

Actually Haze, if you didn’t see Frasier again you were doing well, I saw him quite a few times…as he passed me by…like I said…a few times.

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