Emergency Evacuation

Emergency Evacuation


24 men, including 2 FNGs, met up in the Calvary Church parking lot this morning to sharpen themselves on the #F3Anvil.  For reasons noted below, we stayed on the move…some of us more than others.

The Thang

Jog down to the soccer fields for a little COP:

  • Merkins – 20 cadence
  • SSHs – 20 cadence
  • IWs – 20 cadence
  • Dollies – 20 cadence
  • Slow Squat – 20 cadence

Emergency evacuation to the hill for 11s:

  • Jump Squats at the top
  • Merkins at the bottom

Mosey to the parking lot on 51 for The Beast…6 exercises, 6 stations, 6 reps:

  • Round 1 – Diamond Merkins, plank
  • Round 2 – Jumping Lunges, chair plank
  • Round 3 – Flutter Kicks, plank
  • Round 4 – Wide-Arm Merkins, plank
  • Round 5 – Deep Squats, chair plank
  • Round 6 – LBCs
  • Bonus Round – Burpees

Mosey back for COT…but first time for one set of Mary:

  • Flutter Kicks – 40 cadence


  • It was very nice out this morning and the Pax were very lively as we launched from the parking lot down to the soccer pitch.  There was a decent amount of mumble chatter during the first couple of COP exercises, which YHC didn’t mind, knowing there was plenty of pain to come.  Then all hell…and other things…broke loose.
  • The serenity of lying in the cool, wet grass, staring up at the stars on a clear, beautiful morning, while knocking out some Dollies was interrupted by what can only be described as an incessant onslaught of loud and bubbling flatulence like nothing heard before.  And that only served as a primer for what followed during the Slow Squats…causing an emergency evacuation of the Pax to the hill for 11s.
  • A quick note on the Slow Squats…the count had Dora exclaiming that he couldn’t keep up until YHC explained that it was down on 3 and then up.  Apparently they do everything different at SPEARHEAD…either that or once you lose the ruck, you just do everything faster.
  • The 11s were unsavory, especially the jump squats at the top.  The burn on the 10 after running the hill all those times was very real.
  • Then came The Beast…running the front parking lot by 51, which probably measures around 100 yards or so, and stopping at every other island for the exercises.  YHC tried to hit the full body, with exercises for the chest, legs and core.  And to combat The Beast, since 7 is the number of perfection, YHC threw in a bonus round of Burpees at the end. Burpees + Running = O2 Deprivation.
  • Apparently the Dollies and Slow Squats during COP had produced a peeping turtle.  After Round 1 of The Beast, Radar exclaimed that he had to take care of some business…emergency evacuation to the onsite facilities…door locked…sphincter tightening.  Severe emergency evacuation to Starbucks…back in time to see us finish up the bonus round of burpees.  As we left the parking lot after COT, the onsite facilities now open and lit up. #cruelirony
  • Welcome to FNGs I.C. Light and Red Card.  Hope to see you out in the gloom again very soon.
  • Great group of men at #F3Anvil.  Thanks to Baracus and Young Love for letting YHC lead.


  • 3rdF on Wednesdays at the Greenway Starbucks with Skywalker and Busch…#F3Aftermath (a double meaning on this day, given Radar’s emergency at the very same Starbucks)
  • Look for announcements regarding the Area51 Holiday party and a new save the date

About the author

Purple Haze author

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11 years ago

Good laugh to start the morning at work. The story of Radar’s “evacuation” had me cracking up at my desk with everyone around me wondering what was so hilarious. Good times always at an F3 workout!

11 years ago

Great job on Q PHaze; particularly thankful for the bonus round. Next time I will bring a few diapers for Radar.

Reply to  Mermaid
11 years ago

AYE – bonus round with burpees = #mostunsavory.

Great Q this am. Next time note to self – bring headlamp to Anvil just in case. Doing 11s on hills with unseen holes in them in the dark = unexpected and unwanted surprises.

11 years ago

Bucking frutal workout. That’s all I’m saying.

11 years ago

The British Invasion! Go on there Red Card it’s about time you posted fella.

Young Love
11 years ago

Great job, Haze. Amazing how something as seemingly simple as the Beast can produce such a quality workout. Love/hate relationship with the extra-round of burpees, by the way. Still waiting for that one exercise to get easier. Thousands of burpees in and… they still suck.

11 years ago

My apologies to all.

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