Nothing Fancy, Just Runs, Swings and Burpees

Nothing Fancy, Just Runs, Swings and Burpees

36 men met the challenge of a Skunkworks beatdown.

– SSH x 23
– Burpees x 10
– Goblet Squats w/ KB x 15
– Burpees x 15
– Imperial Walkers x 21

Merkin Chasers
– Lunge walk w/ KB
– Partner up
– Partner 1 sprint, Partner 2 merkins x 10 and chase
– Lap around church to stairs

Hill Work w/ Partner
– Set #1: 60 two-handed KB swings combined, partner 1 sprint the hill, 10 merkins, 10 widearms, 10 diamonds
– Set #2: 80 upright rows combined, partner 1 sprint the hill, 10 stagger right, 10 stagger left, 10 merkins

Sprints, Swings and Burpees
– Sprint to bus and back, 10 two handed KB swings, 10 burpees
– Repeat to 15
– Repeat to 20 (crowd pleaser)
– Repeat to 15
– Repeat to 10

– Mosey back to flag for 3 minutes of Mary
– LBC x 25
– Dolly w/ KB x 15
– Flutter w/ KB x 13

Nothing fancy about today’s plan, just lots of running, burpees and KB swings. Strong work by all. Night Court may need to look for some more outlets for his aggression. He gave me a bit of a scare with his emphatic “I ain’t scared” after set #2 of the sprint/swing/burpee. He quieted down when he realized there would be set #3, #4 and #5.

– Please keep Passport and his wife in your prayers.
– Sign up for Young Life Mud Run, family event, this Saturday at White Water Center –

Here’s a link to today’s workout via my Garmin for those interested –

About the author

Harley author

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10 years ago

1st leg of the Kettle Bell Sprint Cup: “Where the hell is Donkey Kong ? Did I run past him?” (He was 150 yards up ahead of the pack! Fleet-footed & strong!)

It’s nice to see that Bananas finally acquired a respectable KB!

Great work out this morning — the buses nearly killed me!

Reply to  Matlock
10 years ago

Good to have you back out Matlock…with your tried & true late arrival no less. Carrying TR’s 45lb jack-o-lantern around on the merkin chaser lap was unsavory….especially considering my Deacs are going to get drilled by TR’s Tigers this weekend and I had to carry that Tiger Paw emblazened widow-maker. Should’ve rolled it into the woods somewhere.

10 years ago

Matlock, we were just discussing the possibility of you rolling in late when you did. Pretty funny.

Harley, that was not very pleasant but extremely efficient, at least 2 workouts in 45 minutes. Even the master junk talkers were silent today. Nice work.

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