Is this Fast Twitch or Skunk Works?

Is this Fast Twitch or Skunk Works?

The SF was planted by SC (albeit painfully in the parched terrain) at CDHS & 40 of Area51’s finest (actually McGee was a welcome guest from Metro) hit the pavement running…


Grab your KB and jog to the 2nd ring of the church lot.  Leave the KB and quick jog exactly 400m around the church.

Abbreviated COP:

SSHs x 25

Merkins x 15

Round 1:

40 2-handed Swings

30 High Pulls (15R/15L)

30 Clean & Press (15R/15L)

AYG 400m run around church

Round 2:

25 Decline Merkins (legs on partner’s back); Flapjack

40 Renegade Rows (20R/20L)

40 Upright Rows

AYG 400m run around church

Round 3:

40 Push Press (20R/20L)

30 Seated Bicep Curls (Sumo Squat position) – some of the pax alternated arms, others incl. YHC did 2 hand curls

26 Stagger Merkins w/KB (13R/13L)

AYG 400m run around church

Round 4:

30 2-handed Tricep Extensions

20 Goblet Squats (form police in full effect on this)

20 Spartan Burpees

AYG 400m run around church

Plankorama for a couple minutes

6MoM w/KBs:

Dolly x 13 w/KB press

Russian Twist x 10

Flutter x 13 holding KB w/arms extended

LBC (no KB) x 20 (I think?)

Jog to HS lawn



At the 0530 call to launch, Spielberg, apparently not prepared for this particular production of SW, asks YHC – “Can I borrow a KB?”  YoYoMa to the rescue.

The mumblechatter started early on the quick 400m warmup lap.  49er, after a several month hiatus from SW (kotters, btw) – grumbled about how he chose SW to get a break from the running at Fast Twitch.  Sorry YHC didn’t fully oblige…but the men only ran 5 laps (1.25 miles), so the pax mumblechatter fell on deaf ears….frankly think YHC is actually going deaf since turning 40.  If that comes to full fruition, that would make me immune to Tiger Rag’s verbal assaults.  #silverlining  In fairness to Tiger Rag – he did help YHC with the mapping of the 400m route and the form for the high pulls….since YHC is not exactly adept at throwing the KB around as you all saw.

Bananas finally “peeled” himself from the fartsack and joined the pax a few minutes late (couldn’t resist the dig or the bad joke).  Rumor has it he was heard whimpering throughout the workout about missing his beloved clown car.

Bugeater and a couple of other pax who donned the smokeboots for the AYG 400m runs clearly paid no attention to the warm-up lap route as they only ran about 337m on the 1st lap.  The rest of you stand-up and be called out.

Semi-gloss, who was FNG to SW – hope you’ll make SW a regular part of your weekly downpainments…and YHC speaks for all the pax when saying: “Thank you for keeping your shirt on.”

Speaking of shirts…..welcome also to FNG Ike, an EH by YHC.  His sleeves were much shorter than those typically worn by Stone Cold and Brown.  Nevertheless, Tina’s got some stanky laundry to tend to.

All joking sort of aside, the pax did well.  Mixing the AYG runs in with the KBs is no easy task — but you men got after it.  Thanks for waiting for YHC to finish some of the KB exercises before heading out on the runs.


New workout – Joust – launches this Friday, Sept. 20th at Charlotte Christian School at 0530.  Boot camp format.  Park to the far right (when facing school from Sardis) of the property and look for the SF.  Stone Cold is your Site Q.  He officially handed the Site Q responsibility of SW to Harley.

Mission I’m Possible – F3 workout every Saturday at 0900 at Charlotte Rescue Mission on Cedar St (behind BofA stadium).  Community outreach to these men trying to restore their lives and looking for purpose as we all are.  1st, 2nd and 3rd F element all in one.  Hope you men will join the pax there soon.

HDHH at Vintners-Arbo and The Lodge-Colony Place at 1800h on Wednesday.

Area 51 3rd F workouts W, Th and F.  Check website, twitter and/or weekly email for details.



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Hops author

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Hair Band
11 years ago

Great Q today Hops.

I am not good at running, just no endurance. I know the only way to get better is to do it but I still don’t like running.

All that to say, I hung in the full 400 the first 2 times, after that… Not so much.

11 years ago

Great lead today Hops. I was nice seeing some old familiar faces in the gloom. I plan to work Skunk Works back into the rotation.

11 years ago

Love the call out Hops. My next post at a workout you Q I will run 63m extra. I could say I will run 63m in my yard but afraid my credibility is shot. Especially after claims from Bulldog that my perkins (perfect merkins) were suspect. moral of story is that Without my GPS watch I best not go out in front. Unless tiger rag is out front. Cuz then I may risk it.

11 years ago

Enjoyed the speedy skunk today Hops. Glad I peeled myself out of the fartsack!

11 years ago

Kotters to #horseneck, who posted incognito (sans the MCGeeMW), strapped on an 80’s era weight vest half filled with sand (side straddle maracas), then dominated us all on every 400.

11 years ago

McGee was saving himself for the runs with his lime green 12 lb kettle bell otherwise we would have caught him. I had a close up lesson on merkin form from Bugeater proving that your chest does not have to leave the ground when performing said exercise.

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