Smoked Sholuders and Arms for BREAKFAST

  • When:05/30/2013
  • QIC: Runstopper
  • The PAX: Hops, Mighty Might, Purple Haze, Haggis, Crab Cakes, Senator Trussel, Tuck, Boomer, Mermaid, Cane, Package, Brisket, Philmont, Jamoboree and Beacon

Smoked Sholuders and Arms for BREAKFAST

16 hearty souls assembled at CCHS for a little #shoulderandarmbrutality

Jog it around to the side parking lot for a little warm up. 

In cadence:

  • Merkins x 25
  • SSH x 30
  • Diamond Merkins x 10
  • Imperial Walker x 25
  • Wide Merkins x 10
  • LBC x 30
  • Narrow Merkins x 10

Jog it around near football field side road:

Partner up for some catch me if you can: 

  • x reps as partner takes off @3/4 speed.  chase, tag and pass as partner completes x reps and gives chase.  full loop. PLANK it up, REPEAT
  • Round 1: 5 Burpees
  • Round 2: 10 Burpees
  • Round 3: 5 Burpees

Jog it to street, to the Pit (lower football practice field).  Detour to office building to check out brick wall for Peoples Chair:

  • Peoples Chair, Alternating Leg Raise 6 inches – Keep arms raised
  • Twinkle Toes (raise heels support self with toes)
  • Hold 2 minutes

Proceed to Pit… CRAP, ITS Closed due to fertilizing… change in plan:-)

Jog it around to opposite parking lot:  Keep Partner

  • Wheel Barrow to first light
  • Switch Partner
  • Wheel Barrow to Second light 


  • Wheel Barrow to second light
  • Switch Partner
  • Wheel Barrow to first light 
  • Runstopper makes audible call to change due to the partner he chose was over 120 lbs. (sorry crab cakes)

Mosy to the Administrative Buildling/ Entrance at CCHS

count off to 4

  • 1’s – Wall Walk side of building (50 ft)
  • 2’s- Bear Crawl up handicap ramp (75 ft)
  • 3’s – Wall Mountain Climbers x20
  • 4’s – Crab Walk to stairs (75 ft)


Jog it around to opposite parking lot near cars for a little Mary in cadence

  • Flutters x 20
  • Rosalita x 20
  • Protractor

Naked Moleskin:

T-claps to Crab Cakes for an outstanding chase today… also I would like to personally thank Philmont for trying to buy my affection by offering me a freakin’ dime he found while doing burpees as a bribe to stop the beat-down. Philmont, takes a whole lot of dimes to bribe the runstopper. just sayin’

Not sure what was up with Package today, he must have felt we were going to be on the news today, because he went topless during the wall-walk and for our 4 minutes of Mary.  

Also, I would not be a good Q if I didn’t call out the effort by Beacon, he gave it his all this morning. But, this guy and King James called me and they would like their headband back!  gREAT HEADBAND King James






aye- Runstopper out


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Run Stopper author

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Mighty Mite
Mighty Mite
11 years ago

What is a narrow merkin? Something between a diamond merkin and a normal merkin?

11 years ago

Think I pulled my “sholuder” doing the narrow merkins or the diamonds…not sure which. Both are kryptonite to me….along with most everything else we did today.
Beacon was brazenly LIFO as well with the headband…..strong?! Maybe? Maybe not.
Funniest moment was when Crab Cakes called Package – “Mr. Universe” when he went shirtless…do I hear a 2nd for a rename?
Also – in addition to Philmont’s scanning the parking lot for the kids’ dropped lunch money; he also sounded as if in the serious throws of labor during the 4 minutes of Mary. Somebody needs to check on him this afternoon to see what he named his kid.

Purple Haze
Reply to  Hops
11 years ago

After the threat by The Package on Twitter to break out the Speedo for his next workout, I’m not sure I can be in favor of a name change to Mr. Universe. We may just want to let sleeping dogs lie on that one.

As for Philmont, I was right beside him during Mary. I almost held his hand and started coaching him through some Lamaze breathing techniques…but, fortunately, the contraction subsided when Runstopper said recover.

Seriously, another good workout from Runstopper. Raising my arms above my shoulders is not even an option right now.

Chelms aka Tatertot
11 years ago

Sorry to miss this but glad to see Philmont made it back. We need to track his progress toward losing 50 pounds. Anyone got a portal scale we can use for weigh in each week.

11 years ago

If Philmont makes noises like that on the trail in New Mexico, they won’t let him anywhere near a Boy Scout.

11 years ago

…and if Package wears a Speedo to a workout, as unsavory as that would be, his nickname will be much more colorful than Mr. Universe.

11 years ago

Narrow merkin = Military pushup–elbows tight to your body.

Hops: busting on Runstopper’s spelling is shiitting fish in a barbell. #wheredoyoustop?

Call the bluff: 2nd on Mr. Universe. I suspect he doesn’t have the package to back it up.

11 years ago

I am going to weigh in on speedos not being aligned with any of F3’s missions for the community. They are also not aligned with my desired visual images first thing in the morning (or any part of the day).

Crab Cakes
Crab Cakes
11 years ago

I think if “Package” rocked a speedo we’d be forced to change his name to “Pinky”.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x