28 of South Charlotte’s finest men rolled out today for a birthday inspired workout. Again with Matlock (War Daddy) pushing the right buttons the goal was to celebrate his birthday with a 52 burpee warm up. Little did we know that Donkey Kong and Runstopper had just celebrated milestones of their own.
The Thang
Mosey to lower lot and run ring around Matlocks car who arrived at 5:32 (30 mins early)
SSH x 25
IW x 25
10 birthday burpees
Jacobs Ladder x 7 burpees at top and squat jumps at bottom
Weaving Indian run to school
Push O Rama
Sprint up hill to field
Tire ladders – tire burpees, tire dips, tire squats, incline merkins, rock twists, shuttles.
Round two – tire arm lifts, dry docks, tire lunges, inside grip merkins, rock Louganis, shuttles.
Suicides x 2 (second round with merkins)
10 birthday burpees
Tough workout today with added 52 birthday burpees for the War Daddy Matlock which was inspired from earlier post this week. Matlock was finally not last one arriving with Strikeout flying in late looking disheveled.Made the most of the time today getting right into it. Nice to see Harley and Five Hole at Kevlar for first time. PETA and Fraggle also posting for a second F3 workout of the week after posting at Matrix and Skunk Works respectively with strong showings and no 44lb kettle bell needed.
Far Side destroyed the hills for Jacobs Ladder. Ice T showing nimble feet for weaving Indian Run avoiding big Centurion style spills.
Push o Rama was a little tickler for the real pain of the tire ladder. Chatter got very quiet as the lads pushed hard though the pain of multiple exercises and sprints. Geraldo then left everyone for dead in final shuttle runs but “blew his wad” according to RunStopper on first round coming in with first place and then last on the repeato.
Good work by all today. Thanks for coming out to Kevlar and finishing week off strong.
Best of luck to all Spartan Sprint runners for Sunday.
Saturday workouts on as scheduled.
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