24 Pax left their fartsacks to make a #downPAINment on the day at Skunk Works!
The Thang: Partner up (#1 & #2)
Warm up:
KB farmer run- #1- fast walk to second parking lot (Hill ) /# 2 -5 merkens, run to catch up- flap jack
Side straddle hop /30
KB Mtn Climbers /30
Arm Circles / 15 each arm
3 Hill and Stair Stations:
Partner wheelbarrow up the hill / at top-Gentlemen Handshake Planks x20
Partner wheelbarrow up the stairs/ at top-Gentlemen Handshake Planks x20
Backwards wheelbarrow up the hill / at top- Gentlemen Handshake Planks x20
KB farmer run- #1 fast walk to start of loop / #2 10 squats, run to catch up
KB and running– lock KB above head while you wait for group to finish
* I am calling it a +/- 200 yrd run…couldn’t read the hash marks on the field
#1KB 2 hand swing /#2 run to last light pole and back
#1 KB Press / #2 run to last light pole and back
#1 KB Goblet Squats / #2 run to last light pole and back
#1 KB curls / #2 run to last light pole and back
#1 KB Triceps press (one arm or modify 2 arm) run to last light pole and back
#1 KB high pull / #2 run to last light pole and back
Rack’em and Stack’em -Mosey to the loop
6 mins of Mary
KB Greg Louganis x20
KB Roman/mason/Russian twist..if you would have let me go, I would have named it a few more times
J Lo’s x20 per side
Boat / Canoe
Naked Moleskin:
-Thanks to the PAX for opportunity to lead today and for the patience. Hopefully you could hear my instructions; I know the PAX got divided in the parking lot. I only needed my winkie once as I just couldn’t think of the name of the next exercise. Thanks Mall Cop for keeping me O2 deprived by racing me on every run…apparently someone thinks he’s Usain Bolt
-I saw every version of the backwards wheelbarrow today (thank Tiger Rag for this modification). I really liked it, however a demo would have been helpful. That said, I was impressed by all the modifications.
– Welcome the 3 FNG’s- hope to see you at more postings (sorry if I hacked your names)
Blue Ridge Relay- Check it out on the Events section. Mall Cop is recruiting please let him know if you’re interested.
Happy Hour- NEW location…look for the tweet. I think it is going to be at Vinter Wine Market in the Arboretum 1800
Posted on behalf of Cheese Curd.
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