To have a crab cake, we must have crabs.

  • When:01/14/12
  • QIC: Crab Cake
  • The PAX: Joker, Young Love, Abacus, White Zinfandel, Short Sale, Tiger Rag, Mall Cop, Donkey Kong (Ruck), Stone Cold (Ruck), The Shore (Ruck), Lex Luthor, Thin Crust, Strange Brew (Ruck), Dora, Crab Cake (Q), O'Tannenbaum, Coal Miner's Daughter, Bulldog, Callaway, Zipadee, Cottontail, Counter Top, Salt Lick, Big League Chew

To have a crab cake, we must have crabs.

On behalf of Crab Cake…

24 faithful Pax were able to extract themselves from the fartsack, brave the 60 degree weather and experience the virgin Q of Crab Cake. After what seemed like an eternity for a warm up, we were able to get to the what the 1st F means, Fitness.

Jog around soccer fields, circle up at bottom parking lot.
5 exercises all in Cadence:
Imp .Walkers X25
Parker Peters X25
Merkins X25

The meat
Mosey to Rock Pile, find a pet. Snack packs not allowed. Partner up.
P1: Rock squat w/shoulder press P2: Run length of soccer field 10 merkins Flap Jack
P1: Rock Lunge w/shoulder press P2: Run length 10 diamond merkins Flap Jack
P1: Rock squat P2: Run length 10 wide arm merkins Flap Jack
Partner carry 1/2 of field; switch for 2nd half; Run backwards length of field and plank.
Crab walk forward 1/2 of field, crab walk back backwards and plank. (To have a crab cake, we must have crabs)
Return rock to place of sleep and mosey to playground

4 Pain Stations:
10 pull-up/25 dips/25 Decline merkins/25 LBC
Plank until all are done.
Rinse and repeat

Jog to front entrance and grab a piece of the wall
Peoples chair 90 sec.
Balls to the wall 30 sec
People chair 90 sec
Plank w/feet on wall; mountain climbers X 10 in cadence

Jog back to soccer fields for Mary
Dolly X15
Merkins X10


For a first time Q, couldn’t ask for a better morning and better bunch of guys to test it out on. TClaps to the whole Pax. Will definenlty need to do that again. If you haven’t tried it, it’s a must and a rush

Remember if you ever need a break (10 count) don’t ask Mall Cop, I believe he forgot a few numbers between 1 and 10, all of them. All is good, didn’t need it anyway.

TClaps to all there with the Ruck Sack

About the author

Dora author

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Counter Top
Counter Top
11 years ago

Great job as QIC this a.m. Crab Cake. Way to bring the pain. #paintrain

11 years ago

Well done Crab Cake. looks like a great workout. Sorry I missed it.

The Shore
11 years ago

Excellent workout Crab Cake! You’d have thought it was at least your second time Q’ing.

Big League Chew
11 years ago

Great downpainment this am, crabcake! Dora, I’m ready to Q one up so just give me a date!

Reply to  Big League Chew
11 years ago

BLC – How about a co-Q with me Saturday at the Rock?

11 years ago

Thanks all. Took me 2 weeks to perfect that workout. It’s a rush. Anyone who hasn’t Q’d needs to experience it.

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