19 men gathered in the gloom [lilteraly] for The Matrix.
The Thang
Run around field
Side straddle hop 20x
Squat 20x
Imperial Walker 20x
Clark Griswold / twist squat jumps 20x
Merkin plank ups 15x
Mtn climber 20x
Jog to field – Interval
1) Bear Crawl
Carolina Dry Dock x10
B-Bear Crawl
Wide merkin x10
Sprint back/
2) Karaoke Right
Squats x20
Karaoke Left
Squats x20
Sprint back / LBC
3) Forward / Backward shuttle run
Indian Run 3 lines
1) Traditional back to the front
2) 5 merkin chaser
3) Zig zag to the front
Run to Wall
1) 1 leg wall squats 15 per
2) Balls to wall push up hold/ push up
3) Peoples chair
Run to Bench on your own
1) Triceps Dips narrow 20x
2) Decline merkins 15x
3) Pull Ups 10
4) Jump ups 20x
1) Triceps Dips Wide 20x
2) Diamond merkin 15x
3) Pull Ups 10
4) Jump ups 20x
Last man max count to fail
Planked roll ups
Abs LBC’s 30
Bicycles 20
Super Man 1 min
Dolly 20
Mason Twist 30
Leg flutter 20
– Triple claps for Cheese Curd on his first Q experience.
– Dora and Salt Lick with strong performances in the planked roll ups [“dive bombers”] to failure contest.
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