If you can squeeze it… We can freeze it!

If you can squeeze it… We can freeze it!

Not sure everyone was happy to see my arm in a brave, but i sensed a little relief in the PAX as I made the morning announcement that it was broken and decided to make this a leg day (relief vanished quickly)




Freddy Mercury

Heels to Heaven

Partner up for 3 towers

Start at the far left stairway on each floor perform 10 jump squats/ increasing by 10 on each floor, complete 4 stories.

Run to next staircase and descend on each floor reduce the 40 jump squats by 10 on each floor, co,plate 4 stories descent.

Run to the last staircase and repeat increase jump squats by 10 on each floor.

With partner cross legs and perform old school sit ups, touch hands on each rep x25

Wall sit with arm raises x10 in cadence, raise left leg x10 arm raises in cadence (lower leg) flap jack x10 arm raises.

Repeat old school sit ups x25

Repeat wall sit in cadence switching legs

Repeat old school sit ups x25

Back on the wall- hold 2 mins

Wrestling stance hold 1 min switch lead leg hold 1 min.

Mosey to front of catholic jump/step ups 3 sets x25.

Mosey to Panera shopping center partner 1 broad jumps up 3 flights of stairs while partner 2 performs LBCs, flapjack rotate thru 2x each.




Solid work although we didn’t do one burpee or my signature move JACK WEBB. YHC was suffering from some arm over use so I decided to make this a leg day. I really think everyone had an awesome easy workout. NOT.  It was good to see checkpoint out there, he’s my hero. Udder kept looking at my tights- not sure what’s up with that, but I’m comfortable in my ‘tight hood’ I’m officially inviting Scabby to join the run stopper tight club.  Where was Chelms???

About the author

Margo author

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6 years ago

Love the tights. Don’t act like I’ve never been sucked in by the black hole before

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