Tag Archive Lafleur

Fun in the dirt

BySlackBlast Feb 1, 2023

DATE: 2023-02-01 AO: Sacs Q: fire_hazard PAX: lex_luthor, wildturkey, Dora, Cheese Curd, Rousey, geraldo, Lafleur FNGs: None COUNT: 8 1 ruck lap

1 ) { $comments = $num_comments . __(' Comments'); } else { $comments = __('1 Comment'); } $write_comments = ''. $comments.''; } else { $write_comments = __('Comments are off for this post.'); } echo $write_comments; ?>

GoRuck BFF test- not Best Friend Forever

BySlackBlast Jan 25, 2023

DATE: 2023-01-25 AO: Sacs Q: Cheese Curd PAX: Emoji, geraldo, Lafleur FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: 1 ruck around the track and some basic arm stre

1 ) { $comments = $num_comments . __(' Comments'); } else { $comments = __('1 Comment'); } $write_comments = ''. $comments.''; } else { $write_comments = __('Comments are off for this post.'); } echo $write_comments; ?>