Author Archive Strange Brew

It Ain’t About Me

Short & Fast TWSS

So there were 14 pax for this weekly rendition of Mountain Goat, which apparently had an over ambitious Q comparing the pre blast to the actual workout, my how time flies when you’re slogging it out with your F3 brethren.  That looked something like:

Warm up as per usual, including the usual comments about YHC’s short sleeved shirt (it was warm out) and white shoes (they only come in white), it’s ok I can take it 🙂

Dynamic stretching

4 x 400 m with 400 m recovery at mile time pace, for those mathematically inclined this would give almost a mile at race pace broken up, important to not exceed mile pace, especially early on

4 x 200 m with 300 m at approximately mile pace minus 20-30 seconds, yes this is pretty fast, but it is pretty short with a long recovery, this is a very hard effort but not an all out sprint…

oops – didn’t get to the 4 x 100 m with 200 m recovery at 90-95% AYG – obviously fast with very long recoveries, focus on form, focus on breathing


Two laps “backwards” on the track to cool down, up to the cars and wow, look at that 6:15 already.


Slim Fast joined YHC for a light pre-run which was slightly quicker due to that fact.  Brat and Mr. Brady were out in front as one would expect, Joker pulling up close behind, the non-aero vest no doubt slowing him down just a tad.  Icicle and Early Bird were confused for each other at least 4 times, although for once, not by YHC (say nothing and sometimes you get rewarded), but they were running together at a pretty quick pace.  The Mouth was unusually quiet as it appeared he was working pretty hard, I guess that’s the way to do it.  Nuke was steady on the pace and looking strong and consistent, way to keep that improvement coming!  All strong efforts out there and a lack of O2 for YHC no doubt caused loss of memory on other notable efforts so sound off on what you saw below.

Thanks to Mr. Brady for the send off into the day!


Fast 5 relay, 5 person team, each running 1 km (.62 miles) and each team requires either a 200lb or a #Respect, YHC would love to join a team to meet the Clydesdale requirement.

RLB coming up in a few weeks, can double down on that and the Knights game for F3 Dads, not a bad way to spend a day.

Slim Fast offered to connect anyone interested in running the Great Smokey Relay up with a team looking for 2 more runners so you can contact him @maclisll on twitter

Getting shorter but faster

Due to the likely overall shorter distance a pre-run warm up run option is available at 0500 to grab a 2nd F mile or so to loosen up the legs.


Mountain Goats will be able to work through their mile time and beyond in shorter but faster bursts of speed progressively through the workout sort of like:

Warm up as per usual

Dynamic stretching

4 x 400 m with 400 m recovery at mile time pace, for those mathematically inclined this would give almost a mile at race pace broken up, important to not exceed mile pace, especially early on

4 x 200 m with 300 m at approximately mile pace minus 20-30 seconds, yes this is pretty fast, but it is pretty short with a long recovery, this is a very hard effort but not an all out sprint…

4 x 100 m with 200 m recovery at 90-95% AYG – obviously fast with very long recoveries, focus on form, focus on breathing

Some potential to repeato as time allows but we will be focused on a proper cool down run after this kind of speed to get the legs adjusted

Overall distance is likely to be a little shorter than normal, not by much but focus is on shorter distances but keeping the pace pretty quick.

Mountain Goat Pre-Blast

OK Pax, the plan is this:

Warm up obviously
Then stretching, and then we are going to do a few intervals.

Going to hit some 800’s with a couple of minutes rest in between.

800 m, targeting I pace (or 2 mile pace, or 1 mile pace + 30 sec) then 2 min rest OR to modify can do a 200 m walk/jog.

Cool down run and we’ll call it another “painful” day

The Times Got Cut Down

10 Mountain Goats posted, including an on time Joker #loveyoulikeabrotherbrother and off we went for a little warm up and a run that looked like this:


Warm up down Strawberry Lane, hang a right on Rosecliff just to say we ran at least one hill, back to the SCMS track for the dynamic warm up of:

Heel walking x 20 each straight, oot, in

Toe walking x 20 each straight, oot, in

B skip x 20 each legs

Stride it out with gradual speed increase

6:00 at your M pace (Marathon pace) with 3:00 recovery

5:00 at T Pace (Threshold pace) with 2:30 recovery

4:00 at I Pace (Interval pace) with 2:00 recovery (see where this is going?)

3:00 at I Pace with 1:30 recovery

2:00 at R Pace (Repetition pace – only slightly slower than your mile time) with 1:00 recovery

1:00 at R Pace with :30 recovery

Cool down run

Perfect on time finish


Not so perfect Q fail have the recovery go the opposite direction…except we didn’t quite totally regroup…so then some ran one way, some ran the other, it is interesting how quickly you have to get out of each others way when there are runners going the opposite direction on a track especially on a quicker pace interval…#QFail YHC will work on NOT doing that next time.  Got some good feedback on the rest times as well, may modify this one a little for the next go round.  Must say that Voodoo kept his footsteps pretty close on YHC’s heels, thanks for the push brother. Insomniac is definitely showing the improvement, you may not see it brother but the rest of us do!

Cut it down Goats…cut it down!

Yup there is all kinds of good news with this workout since we’ll be getting the lengthiest intervals out of the way first, gradually decreasing the length of the interval while increasing the speed.

Some kind of warm up run and dynamic stretching as per the SOP

6:00 at your M pace (Marathon pace) with 3:00 recovery

5:00 at T Pace (Threshold pace) with 2:30 recovery

4:00 at I Pace (Interval pace) with 2:00 recovery (see where this is going?)

3:00 at I Pace with 1:30 recovery

2:00 at R Pace (Repetition pace – only slightly slower than your mile time) with 1:00 recovery

1:00 at R Pace with :30 recovery

Cool down run

YHC will be calling out the times, will have at least one iPad posted trackside to help keep track of time for those that do that kind of thing

MG’s Found Their Thrills on Strawberry Hills

The small hill on Strawberry Lane that is, which provided the downhill for some of the intervals and uphill provided some of the recovery.

7 pax didn’t let a little chill get in their way, we ran to warm up (after waiting for Mr. Brady and the Q) and avoided the chill, the running might have looked like the following:

The R pace or repetition pace is effectively your mile time pace (using the calculator below YHC’s R pace is only 3 sec slower than the mile time entered)

Warm up mile or so

Dynamic stretching

High Speed Pyramid:

3-4 200 M at R Pace

2 400 M at R Pace

1 800 M at R Pace

2 400 M at R Pace

2 200 M at R Pace

cool down


YHC found as he was putting the cones out on Strawberry to mark the 200 M marks that conveniently the speed bumps are 200 M apart (except for the last one which was right at a lane, very good to know for the next go round.  Was nice to have more of a “finishing line” mentality (borrowed from Slim Fast’s assessment) than a number of laps view.  Running the track is great for a lot of things but it was nice to get a little elevation change and fewer turns in today.  Mr. Brady got passed by YHC and that’s when I knew that he wasn’t feeling right (this shouldn’t be possible on any universe alternate or otherwise) so he called it a half day and wisely went home to rest his legs (wise beyond his meager years). Huggy Bear was chasing YHC down all day, couldn’t shake him, Insomniac made his second MG post and has declared free agency for the BRR, Slim Fast is just uncatchable in these things, Booyah has really gotten the interval concept nailed, pretty sure he ran the same pace for all of them and Retread didn’t make a big deal out of anything, he just got at it!

Always an honour to lead and glad to have done so today, otherwise it would have likely been a fartsack.

Great takeout by Slim Fast and an ask to keep Insomniac’s dad in prayer as he is in hospital with chest issues.

MG High Speed Pyramid

For those that don’t let a little chill get in their way, we will be running to warm up and avoid the chill and if one were programming their watch or generally looking to figure out what the running might look like, one should look at the following:

The R pace or repetition pace is effectively your mile time pace (using the calculator below YHC’s R pace is only 3 sec slower than the mile time entered)

Warm up mile or so

Dynamic stretching

High Speed Pyramid:

3-4 200 M at R Pace

2 400 M at R Pace

1 800 M at R Pace

2 400 M at R Pace

3-4 (or as time allows) 200 M at R Pace

cool down

for those pax that don’t like to run around in circles, we will NOT be using the track so that is as much suspense as YHC can muster at this point, look forward to seeing you there.

Return to the Mountain (Rising Meadows)

11 now stronger pax posted at Mountain Goat, getting back to their roots doing a little hill climbing.  Appreciate Booyah who showed up to accompany YHC on the pre-run.

The Thang:

Warm up run to Rising Meadows in Raintree followed by dynamic stretching.

Run up Rising Meadows for 30 sec at a “hard” pace and then mentally place a marker at that spot

Recover down the hill.

Repeat x 5

Time for a break, run up the hill backwards this time…

Then repeat the forward up the hill process 5 more times

Meet at the top of the hill for 3 x downhill repeats recovering up (not as much of a recovery).

Partner up and head back to the Semi-Gloss Palace, then circle back to the six to finish at the track for 4 rounds of 200 M repeats with 200 M recovery at your R or mile time pace.

Finish off with 2-3 laps of cooldown and then off to the cars for COT.


This one really seemed to hit the legs pretty hard, the mix up of hill and then higher turnover speed will probably be good long term but my legs are killing me.  Strong effort by all the pax today.

Mountain Goats return to their roots

Good news…watch programming not required

Bad news…hill repeats are on the menu

Good news…Pre-run at 0500 at a true warm up pace

That is all, see you tomorrow