MG’s Found Their Thrills on Strawberry Hills

  • When:2/12/2016
  • QIC: Strange Brew
  • The PAX: Huggy Bear, Retread, Slim Fast, Insomniac, Mr. Brady, Booyah, Strange Brew

MG’s Found Their Thrills on Strawberry Hills

The small hill on Strawberry Lane that is, which provided the downhill for some of the intervals and uphill provided some of the recovery.

7 pax didn’t let a little chill get in their way, we ran to warm up (after waiting for Mr. Brady and the Q) and avoided the chill, the running might have looked like the following:

The R pace or repetition pace is effectively your mile time pace (using the calculator below YHC’s R pace is only 3 sec slower than the mile time entered)

Warm up mile or so

Dynamic stretching

High Speed Pyramid:

3-4 200 M at R Pace

2 400 M at R Pace

1 800 M at R Pace

2 400 M at R Pace

2 200 M at R Pace

cool down


YHC found as he was putting the cones out on Strawberry to mark the 200 M marks that conveniently the speed bumps are 200 M apart (except for the last one which was right at a lane, very good to know for the next go round.  Was nice to have more of a “finishing line” mentality (borrowed from Slim Fast’s assessment) than a number of laps view.  Running the track is great for a lot of things but it was nice to get a little elevation change and fewer turns in today.  Mr. Brady got passed by YHC and that’s when I knew that he wasn’t feeling right (this shouldn’t be possible on any universe alternate or otherwise) so he called it a half day and wisely went home to rest his legs (wise beyond his meager years). Huggy Bear was chasing YHC down all day, couldn’t shake him, Insomniac made his second MG post and has declared free agency for the BRR, Slim Fast is just uncatchable in these things, Booyah has really gotten the interval concept nailed, pretty sure he ran the same pace for all of them and Retread didn’t make a big deal out of anything, he just got at it!

Always an honour to lead and glad to have done so today, otherwise it would have likely been a fartsack.

Great takeout by Slim Fast and an ask to keep Insomniac’s dad in prayer as he is in hospital with chest issues.

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8 years ago

Hey, this was my 3rd post with the goats!
Great run, ‘Brew. Really liked the part about the leaders coming back to pick up the 6.

Stump Hugger
8 years ago

Brew, I wondered if you would add just a wee bit of a hill today after yesterdays brutality at Devils Turn. Interval training is tough in any setting in my opinion. #Tclaps

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