Author Archive Strange Brew

Running Mobility WOD at Mountain Goat

The 4 faithful pax looking to limber up prior to the Joe Davis Run showed up at 0515 for some largely indescribable mobility work, the names of some of the exercises are impressive, others are not, you can contact any pax in attendance for more info…

A warm up mile to the gravel road and back, nice warm up and 2nd F pace

Dig out the towels and foam floor pieces from the car along with the timer and set up under the roof of Semi-Gloss’ palace.

Start off with a brief explanation (the definition of brief is based on normal YHC brevity, which is to say, not very).

Dorsiflexion test

Couch Sit

Hip Smash

Calf Saw Smash

Dorsiflexion test

Dorsiflexion Stretch

Hip Flexion

Final Dorsiflexion test

Great takeout by Slim Fast

Some slightly more limber pax as a result, although not necessarily noticed right away, a few take aways for home and we are all set for the rest of the day.

A number of references to that’s what he would have said referring to twss were made throughout the workout.

For those interested in the reference book (clicking should take you to Amazon):

Ready to Run


Mountain Goat 5 min is hard – oh and Happy New Year!

So yes, a delayed backblast, thought I’d write this one right before writing the next one.  The pax did a great job on:

warm up mile down to the gravel lot and back then used the same space for

4 x 5 min at T pace with 4 min recovery

Then moving straight to the track during the last 4 min recovery to work through 4 x or 3 x (depending on your speed) of 200 m at R pace (roughly mile time pace) with 200 m recovery

Finish off with a couple cool down laps and voila a distance record at Mountain Goat (I think).

Great workout by all

Fireman Ed was an especially nice addition, seeing the pax as he was about to go Sad Clown and joined right in, put on an impressive show of speed too I might add.

Joe Davis Run Mobility Prep

The pax looking to limber up for the Joe Davis Run, or looking for ideas on their own mobility work.

YHC will Q the Mountain Goat workout with running mobility as the theme.

This will be race prep, you are welcome to attend and run hard oyo but the focused workout will be on running mobility work.

There will be stretches with long holds after a warm up.  The idea is not only to limber up short term but also to help seed some ideas that you could take home and use oyo longer term.

Bring a towel or yoga mat to spare the knees, jokes and random thss welcome below.


0515 South Charlotte Middle School

Mountain Goat Joe Davis Prep Week

Will be working on dialing in the race pace for next Saturday’s Joe Davis Run.

At 0515 on Friday (yes, New Years Day) morning, those gearing up for the @JoeDavisRun 5K or 10K will head into a final week of prep at the weekly #MountainGoat workout at South Charlotte Middle School.  The plan is to test the legs for the true Race Pace that beckons barely more than a week away.

Here’s the plan:

  • Meet at 0500 for some extra warm-up (optional)
  • Leave AO at 0515 for warm-up and drills; mosey down Strawberry Lane
  • 4x5minutes at T-pace (or 5K/10K Goal Race Pace), 4min jog recoveries
  • 4×200 @ R-pace, 200m recoveries
  • Cooldown

T-pace and R-pace can be found here: or also available via the app VDOT Running Calculator by The Run SMART Project, LLC. Here are downloadable links:iOS App Store = Google Play =



Double down opportunity:

Can clown car over to the convergence post Mountain Goat

Goats Climbing the Pyramid

The name says it all, many of us goats didn’t quite get a chance to descend the pyramid due to time (not sure why these always seem to take longer than I think the night before).

So we’re still working our way up to the Joe Davis 5k, getting close and getting excited, and the training is getting even more serious.  Join the Mountain Goat faithful for  run up that looks something like this:

Mile warm up

dynamic stretching

3 x 200 M

2 x 400 M

1 x 800 M

2 x 400 M

3 x 200 M

Cool down

Running should be targeting the I Pace which can be found here:


Or to give you a sense, pre-calculated numbers looks like this:

6 min mile: 6:28 I Pace

7 min mile: 7:27 I Pace

8 min mile: 8:23 I Pace

9 min mile: 9:21 I Pace

Or if you want to work off of the clock you can divide by 4 to get the per lap time like this:

6 min mile = 1:37 lap at I Pace

7 min mile = 1:43.5 lap at I Pace

8 min mile = 2:06 lap at I Pace

9 min mile = 2:20 lap at I Pace


So YHC saw some pretty poor form near the end of some of the longer intervals and realized that it was my own shadow I was watching, effort was there, some of the longer intervals were pretty tough.  Joker was flying out there as usual, Sensei was pulling Slim Fast along, Booyah went flying by YHC complaining about his cadence? Looked pretty good to me.  Nuke blew it up out there and did some extra credit (see what I did there?)  and Sony was pushing hard.  The Mouth was strangely silent…Geraldo was wondering why this one was so hard, hmmm not sure, might have something to do with rucking 5 miles ahead of time, just guessing.  Norris not only finished the regimen but did it before everyone else, NICE! Retread was having a hard time talking on the track, yup that’s the definition of a very hard pace for ya, nice work.  Other notable efforts out there I’m sure, comment below.



Joe Davis Run, just sign up already!

The Mountain Goat workout will be run next week but on Saturday, at 5:15, yup, 5:15, Slim Fast on Q, it is the second last Mountain Goat before Joe Davis.

Thanks to Slim Fast for the reminder of the Season’s real meaning on the takeout.

Mountain Goat – 3 weeks to Joe Davis

So we’re still working our way up to the Joe Davis 5k, getting close and getting excited, and the training is getting even more serious.  Join the Mountain Goat faithful for  run up that looks something like this:

Mile warm up

dynamic stretching

3 x 200 M

2 x 400 M

1 x 800 M

2 x 400 M

3 x 200 M

Cool down

Running should be targeting the I Pace which can be found here:


Or to give you a sense, pre-calculated numbers looks like this:

6 min mile: 6:28 I Pace

7 min mile: 7:27 I Pace

8 min mile: 8:23 I Pace

9 min mile: 9:21 I Pace

Or if you want to work off of the clock you can divide by 4 to get the per lap time like this:

6 min mile = 1:37 lap at I Pace

7 min mile = 1:43.5 lap at I Pace

8 min mile = 2:06 lap at I Pace

9 min mile = 2:20 lap at I Pace

Hope this helps, see you tomorrow. There will be a light warm up pre-run but I doubt I’ll see anyone else there 🙂

Olympus – A Greek Name With A Few Turkish Getups

Image result for russian kettlebell swings picture

YHC was nervous to Q his first kettlebell workout and so the eyes were open long before the alarm was due to go off (thankfully remembering to turn it off, personal experience suggests that M’s do not like that).  Kettlebell videos were watched on youtube, pictures of Russian military men demonstrating form were viewed, some of the moves were practiced (in the spirit of if you can’t Q it…) and subsequently discarded and eventually a plan was made up which went something like this for the 8 pax that showed up in the fog to swing some bells:

The Thang:

Quick lap around the track (which it turns out is .2 of a mile)

SSH x 25

IW x 20 (many pax excited for the Star Wars debut)

cover off on your bells

10 full start/stop swings

The format was explained as some type of movement and then some type of 10 swings, could be regular 10 swings, could be one handed could be doubles with your partner while they plank, so you can just imagine the variety!

  • Deadlifts x 10
  • Figure 8’s x 10 each way
  • Around the Legs x 5 each way (only the Q is not coordinated enough to hold onto the bell)
  • Good mornings x 10
  • Around the world x 10
  • Around the world on your knees x 5 round 1, x 7 round 2
  • Half Get up x 5 each side first round, x 3 second round
  • Turkish Get Ups x 3 each side first round, second round x 0 each side
  • Pullover or ball smasher (apparently, were the pax were just busting YHCs on this one?) x 10
  • Superman Kettlebell style x 5, yeah this one was tough
  • Crunches holding bell but with feet on the ground x 10
  • Sumo squat to high pull x 10
  • Long cycle reps, with partner and lighter bell (double) x 10 each

Also mixed in a random round of LBCs x 20 and on the partner work the planking was almost as tough as the movement.

A couple of crowd favourites at the end, thanks to Witch Doctor for the Swing and Squat, to Mighty Mite for the Kettlebell burpees (crowd pleaser in the most sarcastic way), Goblet squats and a few swings to finish it off.


The pax kept it moving pretty well, so much so apparently that the site Q himself left with 15 min to go, mumbling something about some type of youth athletic competition, anyway thanks for bringing the speaker and letting YHC Q it was truly and honour.  Destiny really hung in there, many grunts and groans were heard throughout, names will not be mentioned on those since likely the YHC was a big part of it.  Always good to see Mighty Mite who makes YHC feel like a homebody, looking forward to seeing you move over the holidays brother.  Witch Doctor was quietly getting at it and Geraldo was throwing the Ruck on and around (literally) throughout, kudos on that one!  Ickey issued the 55lb challenge to YHC which I at least tried (gotta know one’s limitations, not as strong as Ickey just yet).  Anyway, comments always expected below.


Alexander Youth Network toy drive, info found in the blast here:

Joe Davis Run sign up, link posted for Ickey:

Christmas Party tonight



Sir Mix A Lot

The Death Valley faithful rolled in just in time, except for Joker who was his customary 1 min late but he made up for it with an extra run, more on that later.  The weather was a balmy 3C, which is probably in the 30’s on the hard to understand F scale.  And so the pax got at it courtesy of Geraldo’s watch since YHC couldn’t seem to get it all right this morning and actually bring his own.

What the pax did was something like this:

Run around in circles in the parking lot to warm up (and wait for Joker to join)

Quick COT

SSH x 30

IW x 15 (these are less fun when Gummy is not present)

LSS x 10

Quick disclaimer

Partner up

Partner 1 runs to the end of Strawberry Lane and back, yes it’s a mile, no it’s not 1.4 miles, yes I’ve clocked it before (many times)

Partner 2 runs through the set up circuit, spending 1 min each at stations set up:

Jump rope

Resistance band (because jump rope #2 broke early on)

Battle Rope

Sand bag Squats

Weight plate squats (this should help proper form)

Kettlebell swings

Kettlebell rows

Kettlebell Push Press

Kettlebell pax choice

Medicine Ball partner toss

Two full rounds were completed except for Joker who ran an extra mile to make up for the fact that he is too fast (nice work and thanks for running the last part with YHC)

Circle up for some Mary

Flutter x 30

Sid-The-Kid x 12 each way oyo

Dolly x 15

Russian Twist x 10

Heels to Heaven x 10 oyo

The Shore shoulders (insert comments below about the white shorts, you had to be there)

5 Burpees oyo

That pretty much wraps it up, YHC had advertised a merkin less workout, Header was disappointed and is kind of an extra credit guy anyway so he was spotted doing a few sets in between, nice work.  It seemed like there was some loosely organized confusion on the stations, bad Q on YHC part, will put up numbers next time to be more clear, always a trade off between too much explanation and just getting at it.  Otherwise YHC spotted many strong efforts, especially on the run part, many pax coming back sweating pretty hard from the mile, of note CMD was pretty quick, great work for RESPECT.  A few pax found running buddies and mixed in a little 2nd F, that is a good modification for sure, YHC would have liked to have done that but was breathing too hard.  Really enjoyed the Q today, thanks for the opportunity, appreciate the flexibility of the pax to modify as needed on the stations to make sure  you were pushing yourself, that is how this works after all.


AYN Toy Drive, bring those toys out this week and next and hand it to one of the toy Q’s, link below:

A51 Christmas party:

Joe Davis Run sign up, all the pax did 2 miles at least, another mile and you’ve got a 5k covered #noexcuse


Last, as always, and last shall be first is the great takeout and reminder by Header of the upcoming season to be contemplating God coming to live with us and what that means.

Mountain Goat Pain – So Painful It Delayed This Writeup

Major Cobains on the delayed write up.


This workout was simple yet hurtful

Warm up mile, dynamic stretching then

400M at estimated 5k pace

100M recovery at whatever pace is needed

Repeato until time is called

Cool down half mile then up to COT


AYN Toy Drive, bring a toy and workout Q’s will get it where it needs to go

Sign up for the Joe Davis Run, awesome chance to run hard, fellow ship well and support our brother Rock Thrill

Mountain Goat – pre-blast/watch programming news

Short and sweet in the interest of wanting to get this out:

We are now working on our 5k for the Joe Davis Run (pretty sure you’ve all signed up at this point right?  RIGHT?)

400 M at 5K Race pace

100 M recovery

This will be repeated quite a few times, how many is a good question it will be tbd but estimated around 10-12

5K Race pace? Ah yes, one could look it up using our recently acquired mile times (or estimates if you haven’t run one in a while, or find a similar pax and stick with them) can be found here:

Type your mile time on the initial screen then click on the “Equivalent” tab and look up 5k

Stump Hugger is to thank for training YHC on how to make that an actual link, hope it worked.

For those of you experts following along at home this is pulled from an old running planet 5k workout regimen.