Twas a cold Winter’s morn when 21 men gathered in the CDS Middle School parking lot to see what was the matter.
Disclaimer given, which was promptly questioned by Gummy, that pattern continued throughout the workout. But Young Love gave the thumbs up so after an extra hit from the inhaler we were off with some quick footwork avoiding hacksaw Jim Duggan’s Truck (thankfully no one was decapitated)
Mosey to the tennis courts, spot Steinbrenner rolling in late, so COP in the street.
The Thang
Find a partner and each choose a rock
One lap around the outer loop of the church parking lot.
At each of the 5 cones:
Questionable Mary: Orange Whip and Rhapsody finished first and had their choice of Mary…they chose SSH.
Head to the side doors of the church at the bottom of the hill. Pause at the school entrance for some Flutter.
What’s this? Is this a part of the workout…Yep, it’s
The Gift that Keeps on Givin’
At the side entrance of the church we found a box wrapped in christmas wrapping paper filled with lots of exercises for grown men.
Here is what we did (I think):
Return the rocks then plank.
Mosey down Cov Church lane to the first Middle School entrance, Then AYG to the end.
Back at launch finish with some old favorites:
Mole St. Skinoclause (That doesn’t sound right):
After the workout Gummy ran to his RV and started handing out F3 Stickers and Jelly of the month club certificates, but the sweat from under his green dickie had soaked through his white sweater so no one was willing to make eye contact.
Lots of groans when I said we were running with the rocks…Witchdoctor looked at me like I had betrayed him.
Pick up your rocks and follow me…Unintentional teachable moments.
Orange Whip and Rhapsody are best friends, they are fast, and they refuse to partner with anyone else. I think I saw Harley move towards Whip with a hopeful glimmer in his eye, but he got the Heisman.
BLC ran off part way through the workout. When he realized there was not a port-o-john behind the bushes he eventually came back.
Protip: arriving home after your son’s basketball practice and deciding to eat a piece of cake for dinner the night before you Q can result in Q Wobble…I may have put Hops on standby somewhere between the Good Mornings and the Burpees. #DinnerOfChampions
Bushwood is currently in China so that he can bring his little girl home. He promised that if I got this BB out before 8:30 that he would do this workout in the hotel…I think it would be best executed in the Lobby. ‘Merica.
Joe Davis Run, if you don’t know the details you stopped coming to F3 a long time ago.
Bulldog took us out, thankful for how he always focuses our eyes on the cross. BD and HH, Thanks for the opportunity lead. HH get back soon, F3 is better when you are there.
“She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” – Matthew 1:21
I would have happily partnered with Harley, he just needs to request me at least 24 hours in advance before the workout – it’s a strict rule but it’s what I live by. I’ve been looking to switch to a new partner for years but Rhapsody just won’t let me go. I think he’s starting to slow down too…. Great Q Simba. I was really regretting getting out of bed but it was a good one.
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