Author Archive Gullah

Cold & Wet-Do We Really Want to Do This?


Three Pax ignored the temptation to stay in the fartsack and posted on a cold, damp morning at Olympus.


Partner up with like size bell–CMIYC around the track with x 15 SSH chasers. With only three of us, two men farmer carried, while the other did SSH’s and we flappjacked until one lap was completed.

x 10 Merkins

Alabama Slamma Olympus Style:

Partner Up, P1 performs 20 Two-Hand KB Swings/P2 Performs 20 Good Mornings. Flapjack while P2 does 20 swings & P1 does 20 GM. Continue with the two movements counting down 1 rep at a time(19 swings/19 GM, 18 swings/18 GM, etc.) until each completes 10 reps of each movement.

AMRAP Circuit:

AMRAP in 5 minutes of x15 sumo squats/5 burpees

AMRAP in 5 minutes of x 10 reps per arm lawnmowers/x10 merkins

AMRAP in 10 minutes of x 10 reps upright rows/x 10 curls/x 10 tricep extensions

Mary-A little different this time:

4 Rounds of: Two Hand KB Swings/Goblet Squat to Two-Hand KB Press/1 minute elbow plank


YHC showed up to an empty parking lot and started to wonder if I would have any company. A few minutes later Ickey Shuffle pulls up. As time drew closer to 7:00, and it looked like it was going to be just the two of us, he and I were about 30 seconds away from blowing off the workout and heading to an early coffeeteria rather than do a workout in cold, wet conditions. Luckily Mighty Mite pulled up, so the workout went on as planned.  Thanks for sticking with that one guys. That’s one of those that looks better on paper than when actually implementing it. All in all not a bad hour spent with a total of 242 swings completed.  I think the elbow planks at the end are tougher than they originally seem.  Good 2nd F out there as well, discussing our various thoughts on the college football season.


Sign up for the Joe Davis Run

YHC & Ickey Shuffle are looking to form an Olympus team for the Spring Mud Run and need two more guys, let us know if interested.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead



Grinding the Gears at Olympus


8 men ascended upon Olympus for some gear/strength work and here’s what we did:

Crash course on what each station would involve with a feeble demo attempt on a few then a quick warm up.


SSH x 20 IC

Good mornings x 10 IC

Merkins x 15 IC

11 stations comprised of:

Station 1: Run lap around perimeter of parking lot.(served as timer for each station, approx. 1 to 1-1/2 minutes.

Station 2: Hairburners w/45lb plate to cone and back.

Station 3: Two-Handed Curls with resistance band.

Station 4: Inchworm w/35lb plate to cone and back

Station 5: Dumbbell flys w/20lb or 25lb dumbbell

Station 6: Dumbbell press on bench w/40lb or 55lb dumbbell

Station 7: Battle Rope

Station 8: Tractor Tire Flip

Station 9: Jump Rope

Station 10: Goblet Squat with Kettlebell

Station 11: Resistance Band Rainbow Rows on basketball goal

Each man rotates through station twice: approx. 30 minutes.

Circle up for a Kettle bell/Squat Thrust ladder:

x15 two handed KB swings, x15 squat thrusts. Keep performing rotation down to 10 reps each(plan was to go all the way down to 1 rep each),but an audible was called to jump to 5 reps of each until completion of 1 rep each due to time running short.


Flutter x 20 IC, LBC x 20 IC, Daisy Dukes x 15 IC(new movement that the Pax seemed to really enjoy).

We’re all smoked  and times up anyway.


Great effort by everyone out there today. Those gear rotations seem to get the best of everyone each week, but the guys really smoked it today. I think the KB/squat thrust ladder put everyone over the edge.  Great to have site FNG’s Stumphugger and Quint out there, both of you killed it! As usual, Alf and Crabcake showed what kind of beasts they are. Shout out to Byron for letting YHC use some of his gear as well as helping the Q with the demo on a few and for supplying the music.  Big League Chew held nothing back as always, hope you enjoyed your date with the KB brother! Also good to get Southpaw out of the bed for a post as well.


**Olympus will converge at Day Zero next Saturday**

F3 Dad’s camp registration is still open

Remember the guys participating in the Red Light and Blue next Saturday

Praise that Stumphugger’s Dad’s surgery went well and prayers for a speedy recovery

Great prayer by Byron to take us out.

Thanks for letting me lead this morning gentlemen, always a pleasure!


Seven’s at Peak51



20 Pax showed up at Peak51 to enjoy a nice, humid morning in the gloom and here’s what went down:

Disclaimer then a short jog over to Matthews Stumptown park for COP


5 Burpees OYO

Old School Windmill x 15 IC

4 Burpees OYO

Mary Katherines x 15 IC

3 Burpees OYO

Monkey Humpers x 10 IC (audible from orig. plan in honor of The Hoff’s appearance)

2 Burpees OYO

Plank Jacks x 10 IC

1 Burpee OYO

*Over to the picnic tables for Step up/Squat 7’s

1 Step up/6 Squats, 2 Step Ups/5 Squats, keep going until 6 Step ups/1 Squat completed. Plank while waiting for Pax to finish.

Mosey back across the street to Matthew Playhouse & Partner Up for running/circuit work:

P1 does called exercise while P2 runs lap around median in parking lot, flapjack & plank while waiting for all Pax to complete rotation. 4 rounds total.

Called exercises were: Incline Merkins/Lunge Jumps/LBC’s/Dips

*Head to Bus Lot for some more 7’s(Rock Hoppers & Curb Skip Ups)

Line up at spot 8, do 1 rock hopper, run to far curb and do 6 curb skip ups/run back to start point do 2 rock hoppers, run to far curb and do 5 curb skip ups. Keep going until 6 rock hoppers and 1 curb skip ups completed.   I Think this is where the PAX started to get a little smoked.

*jog over to the softball field and gather at home plate

Bear Crawl from home plate to each base stopping at each base for 10 SSH’s. Plank up back at home plate until all Pax have made it around infield.

*to the outfield for some Jack Webbs (Merkins/Arm Raises)

Perform 1 Merkin, 4 Arm Raises/2 Merkins, 8 Arm Raises/3 Merkins, 12 Arm Raises. Keep going until 7 Merkins/28 Arm Raises completed. Time was getting short so jog back to the parking lot for:


Flutter x 15 IC/Rosalita x 15 IC/LBC’s x 15 IC, times up and we’re done.


Great work out there by everyone today. Heard a touch of mumble chatter expressing concern over whether this was a moderate workout or not so apologies if it was a little too intense at times. YHC attempted to bring it down a notch as compared to a regular F3 workout. Geraldo mentioned he sat on his couch this morning contemplating whether or not to post–glad you made it out brother! Great showing by the Ruckers/Spearhead guys. It was great having y’all out there. If you don’t know much about these guys i would suggest looking up to see what they’re about. They are a great group of men that workout extremely hard and do a lot in the community.  Way to hang tough today Ripcurl. I hope that wasn’t too much running considering your hip issues. Great send off prayer by Hairband. Thanks for allowing me to lead this morning. i hope everyone has a safe and happy fourth!



All Area51 workouts will converge Friday 7/4 at The Rock(Calvary Church) at 7:00. Q’s are Bulldog, Hops & Dora. Coffeeteria at Panera in The Arboretum to follow.

No F3 dads this week, be ready to go next week with Alf on Q.

F3 camp coming in August

Olympus will converge with Ascent at Olde Providence Elem. this Saturday the 5th.

Outland is still open this Saturday 7/5

A few spots still open for the Red, Light and Blue GoRuck Light being held the weekend of August 8th and 9th.  This is for a great cause.

Posted by: Gullah

Climbing Ladders At Olympus

7 Pax, most of whom had just completed Byron’s KB 101 session, showed up at Olympus for an additional hour of Kettle Bell enjoyment. Here’s what went down.

Gullah on Q


SSH x 20, Two-Handed KB swings x 10 IC, Sumo Squats x 10 IC, KB Push Press x 10 each arm

Line up at track field:

Ladder sequence 1

KB clean & press x 10 each arm, sprint across field, 10 burpees, sprint back, KB clean & press x 9 each arm, sprint across field, 9 burpees. Keep performing rotation until 5 reps of each exercise  completed. YHC had planned on going down to 1 rep of each, but had to audible at 5 due to time.

Ladder sequence 2

KB Goblet Squat x 10, sprint across field, 10 LBC’s, sprint back, KB Goblet Squat x 9, sprint across field, 9 LBC’s, sprint back. Keep performing rotation until 5 reps of each exercise completed.

35 minutes in the books  = smoked Pax, hand off to Big League Chew

Big League Chew on Q

Head over to the basketball court, line up and face BLC:

20 KB swings

Roman One-Legged Dead Lifts x 10R/x10L

Tricep Extension x 20

Run across court to grassy area for 50 LBC’s then continue running on sidewalk around school entrance and back to basketball court.

20 Goblet Squats

20 Hip to Shoulder Curls(x10 right/x10 left)

Run across court to grassy area for 20 flutters, then continue running on sidewalk around school entrance and back to basketball court.

20 KB lateral drags(x10 right/x10 left) this was a Pax pleaser.

20 Snatches (x10 right/x10 left)

Russian Twist x 20

Karaoke to 2nd goal and back

20 Presses (x10 right/x10 left)

KB Goblet Jacks x 10

Halo x 10 clockwise/x 10 counter clockwise

20 two-handed KB swings

Sprint across parking lot to playground for 20 pull ups/sprint back to basketball court

1 minute of swings and that’s a wrap.


Great work out there today men. The 2.0’s especially put in some good work and hung in there through a tough workout.  That was a great routine that kept the heart rate up continuously through a good mix of cardio and strength conditioning.   Note to self to make sure to keep a good distance from Wolfman during workouts as he likes to let the flatulence flow freely at times. It was good having Horsehead and Boondock with of us from Outland. Yankee killed it as he usually does and led the Pax throughout and BLC was a beast as usual.


F3 Dads starting in June, stay tuned for details

Area51 pool party June 14 at Chadwyck pool-you should have received the evite.

Many opportunities for 3rd F so try and make one when possible.

This wasn’t mentioned, but a prayer request. We learned during the brew ruck on Saturday that a man was hit by a car and killed while participating in a GoRuck event in Syracuse, NY Saturday morning. He had three young children so please remember his wife and children that he leaves behind.

Thank for the strong send off by Horsehead

Thanks again for the opportunity to lead a great group of guys and young men


Three’s Company At Olympus


Three men showed up at Olympus to get in a lot of running and iron swinging and here is what we did:

SSH x 25
Merkins x 15
Shoulder Press w/KB x 10
Good Mornings x 15

The Main Event:

*1 lap around the track followed by 10 burpees with jump ups on ledge next to track.
40 Two-Handed Swings
30 High Pulls-15L/15R
30 Clean and Press-15L/15R

*1 lap around the track
25 Carolina Dry Docks
40 Renegade Rows-20R/20L
40 Upright Rows
20 Curls

*1 lap around the track
40 push press-20R/20L
30 tricep extensions
20 1-handed alternating KB Swings
24 Staggered merkins-12 w/right hand on bell-12 w/left hand on bell

*1 lap around the track
Viking-10 each side
20 Sumo Squats
20 Cleans-10 each arm
Around the world-20 clockwise/20 counter clockwise

*1 lap around the track

Mosey to playground for:

20 dips/15 derkins/15 incline merkins
15 pull ups/15 diamond merkins/15 wide arm merkins

Head back to the track for Abs:

Dolly w/KB press x 15
Russian Twist w/KB x 10
Flutter while holding KB extended x 15
LBC x 20

*1 lap around track-time’s up


Great work out there today guys, although Lois didn’t seem to enjoy the Viking very much.
With only three of us posting we were able to enjoy some 2nd F, get to know one another and talk about what’s going on in our lives.
Good competition between Hacker and Lois on the laps around the track.

Remember to sign up for the F3 Golf Event
Remember in prayer an employee that works with Lois. He died unexpectedly while running Monday morning.

Thanks for allowing me to lead, a pleasure as always.

Yankee takes control at Olympus



15 men posted at Olympus for Yankee’s inaugural Q and here is how it went:


SSH x21 IC
Merkins x20
KB presses x20
Good Mornings x20

Mosey run with bells around the parking lot and back to the track.

Produce Sparks:
Little confusion for the virgin Q, but we got it sorted out(apologies). Partner up in groups of three and choose a plate for the group. One Pax pushes the plate around the track while the other two do 15 KB swings and then catch up to guy pushing the plate. Each guy takes a turn at pushing the plate/15 KB swings until 1-3/4 laps around the track were completed before an audible by the Q.

Line up for an off campus indian run, 1/2 mile then 50 merkins, sprint down and up the hill then Indian run 1/2 mile back to ELE track.

Partner up for sprints across track field and KB work(KB size matters). P1 performs called exercise while P2 sprints across field and back. 100 reps between partners of:

Tricep extensions
Upright Rows
Two-handed shoulder presses

Circle up at center of field for burpee/two handed swing ladder. 5 burpees/10 KB swings, 10 burpees/20 KB swings, 5 burpees/10 KB swings.

Finish up with Russian Twist/LBC’s/renegade rows-10 each arm.

Great job by everyone out there today and a good group as well. That was tough one Yankee and an exceptional first Q. Thanks to TR for providing the Q jack and making sure we didn’t miss out on the hill after the merkins on the first half of the indian run. Great to have site FNG’s Hops, Splinter and Sinatra out there today and hope you will come back out to Olympus. Great prayer by Hops to take us out.

Posted by Gullah on behalf of Yankee