Grinding the Gears at Olympus

  • When:8/2/14
  • QIC: Gullah
  • The PAX: Southpaw(2.0), Byron, Stumphugger(Site FNG), Crabcake, Big League Chew, Quint(Site FNG), Alf, Gullah(QIC)

Grinding the Gears at Olympus


8 men ascended upon Olympus for some gear/strength work and here’s what we did:

Crash course on what each station would involve with a feeble demo attempt on a few then a quick warm up.


SSH x 20 IC

Good mornings x 10 IC

Merkins x 15 IC

11 stations comprised of:

Station 1: Run lap around perimeter of parking lot.(served as timer for each station, approx. 1 to 1-1/2 minutes.

Station 2: Hairburners w/45lb plate to cone and back.

Station 3: Two-Handed Curls with resistance band.

Station 4: Inchworm w/35lb plate to cone and back

Station 5: Dumbbell flys w/20lb or 25lb dumbbell

Station 6: Dumbbell press on bench w/40lb or 55lb dumbbell

Station 7: Battle Rope

Station 8: Tractor Tire Flip

Station 9: Jump Rope

Station 10: Goblet Squat with Kettlebell

Station 11: Resistance Band Rainbow Rows on basketball goal

Each man rotates through station twice: approx. 30 minutes.

Circle up for a Kettle bell/Squat Thrust ladder:

x15 two handed KB swings, x15 squat thrusts. Keep performing rotation down to 10 reps each(plan was to go all the way down to 1 rep each),but an audible was called to jump to 5 reps of each until completion of 1 rep each due to time running short.


Flutter x 20 IC, LBC x 20 IC, Daisy Dukes x 15 IC(new movement that the Pax seemed to really enjoy).

We’re all smoked  and times up anyway.


Great effort by everyone out there today. Those gear rotations seem to get the best of everyone each week, but the guys really smoked it today. I think the KB/squat thrust ladder put everyone over the edge.  Great to have site FNG’s Stumphugger and Quint out there, both of you killed it! As usual, Alf and Crabcake showed what kind of beasts they are. Shout out to Byron for letting YHC use some of his gear as well as helping the Q with the demo on a few and for supplying the music.  Big League Chew held nothing back as always, hope you enjoyed your date with the KB brother! Also good to get Southpaw out of the bed for a post as well.


**Olympus will converge at Day Zero next Saturday**

F3 Dad’s camp registration is still open

Remember the guys participating in the Red Light and Blue next Saturday

Praise that Stumphugger’s Dad’s surgery went well and prayers for a speedy recovery

Great prayer by Byron to take us out.

Thanks for letting me lead this morning gentlemen, always a pleasure!


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Gullah author

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The Hoff
The Hoff
10 years ago

Nice work Team!!! Love to see stuff like this when I’m out. Gullah has officially transformed into a BEAST! I can’t wait to get back to Olympus on Aug. 26th…get ready for an epic beat down and return of The Hoff.
On a side note, I’ll be running gear workouts on Sundays as well until then (since GORUCK, vacation and SPEARHEAD pulled me away the last 4 weeks, I need to scratch the Gear itch.
So come out to Olympus on Sunday if you are interested as well. 08:00.

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