Yankee takes control at Olympus

Yankee takes control at Olympus



15 men posted at Olympus for Yankee’s inaugural Q and here is how it went:


SSH x21 IC
Merkins x20
KB presses x20
Good Mornings x20

Mosey run with bells around the parking lot and back to the track.

Produce Sparks:
Little confusion for the virgin Q, but we got it sorted out(apologies). Partner up in groups of three and choose a plate for the group. One Pax pushes the plate around the track while the other two do 15 KB swings and then catch up to guy pushing the plate. Each guy takes a turn at pushing the plate/15 KB swings until 1-3/4 laps around the track were completed before an audible by the Q.

Line up for an off campus indian run, 1/2 mile then 50 merkins, sprint down and up the hill then Indian run 1/2 mile back to ELE track.

Partner up for sprints across track field and KB work(KB size matters). P1 performs called exercise while P2 sprints across field and back. 100 reps between partners of:

Tricep extensions
Upright Rows
Two-handed shoulder presses

Circle up at center of field for burpee/two handed swing ladder. 5 burpees/10 KB swings, 10 burpees/20 KB swings, 5 burpees/10 KB swings.

Finish up with Russian Twist/LBC’s/renegade rows-10 each arm.

Great job by everyone out there today and a good group as well. That was tough one Yankee and an exceptional first Q. Thanks to TR for providing the Q jack and making sure we didn’t miss out on the hill after the merkins on the first half of the indian run. Great to have site FNG’s Hops, Splinter and Sinatra out there today and hope you will come back out to Olympus. Great prayer by Hops to take us out.

Posted by Gullah on behalf of Yankee

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Gullah author

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10 years ago

Yankee that was a smoker buddy! One hour of pain. Nice work. Starting out with hair burners was a real scorcher. The call for 2nd lap was not a crowd pleaser. Great Q!

10 years ago

That was excruciating in several stretches. For the hairburner laps…when you said size doesn’t matter…you lied Yankee. And that left me swinging Mighty Mite’s 45 lb. KB. Apologies to my partner Splinter for leaving him the lion’s share of metal work while I ran.
Great workout…I’ll be back for another attack on Olympus.

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