BLUF: Happy President’s Day (First to correctly tweet answers to all these trivia questions, Kirk will hand deliver you four cans of his Hopcakes.)
1. Which President was shot while giving a speech, but finished the speech with a bullet still in his chest?
Pregame: Golden Mule and YHC arrived in the lot assuming the others would be wise enough to stay home. Yet a dozen men arrived on time (while 1 nameless pax…coughSWIPERcough…treated it like he was attending Waypoint Community Church and showed up late)
2. Which President was the head cheerleader at his high school?
The Thang:
3. What President skinny dipped every day?
Mosey to Carmel Pres (0.5miles)
The Loop (.25 miles)
Run Home
4. Which President taught a parrot to curse?
5. What President was arrested while in office for running over a woman with his horse?
Do people still read these backblasts? By now haven’t we all sort of fallen into a pattern of behavior. Swiper farts. Kirk refuseniks the exercises. Orlando encourages. Aqua tries to hold the DMZ together. Swiper farts again. Uncle Phil, Bout Time, One Eye and other actually do the full sets. Bushwood doesn’t show. Kirk sprints by on the final lap wondering why everyone is so tired. Tclaps to Hamlet…pushing the pace on the loops.
6. Which President had the telephone number of 1?
Prayers–BoutTime and 2.0; Benny.
7. When creating the executive branch, how many presidents did Madison want to serve simultaneously in order to distribute power?
(Disclaimer: Its highly likely that the cans will be empty, but Kirk will still deliver them.)
7 men arrived on time to #DMZ.
The Thang:
Warmup run to Carmel Prez Parking Lot
Warmup: SSH, Squats, Mtn. Climbers
Mosey to Benches
Partner 1: Run .25 (x3)
Partner 2: Jump Squats (x2); Wall Sits
Partner 1: Run .25 (x3)
Partner: HandRelease Merkins, Bentarm planks
Mosey to Playground
10 “toes to bar” while Partner holds boat
Mosey to Benches
COM: LBC (x25), Dolly (x25), WWII Situps (x15), Holes-To-Heaven (x15), Boone-LBC (x20), 30 sec Boat
Mosey to Parking Lot
100 yd sprints (x8)
Way Home: Catch-Me-If-You-Can-Burpee
Aye…20 Pax posted with the thoughts of putting some long hard miles in pre-Thanksgiving. But Santa’s sled, disguised like every other middle aged man in southpark, a volvo wagon, made an early appearance with some toys for the pax.
The Thang:
Mosey with KBs and WallBalls through the hole infested back side of RTS
Dirty Thirty (30reps)
Equalizer: Plankorama, Mary: LBCs, Dolly
Repeat above at 20reps
Equalizer: Mtn. Climbers, Russian Twist
Repeat above at 10reps
Mosey home: Team weighted individual fartlick runs in a line
For those who read preblasts still…you are in luck. Start memorizing, as there will be punishments for forgetting.
See you at 5:30am in Carmel Parking Lot…you late you will be left
The Thang:
Eyes Open and Focus on the clock saying 5:21am.
Jump squat out of the bed and into short shorts and singlet.
Sprint to the car, realize you left your keys, sprint back into the house, Rinse&Repeat.
Single leg lift as driving while putting on shoes; Flapjack.
Fly into parking lot while the rest of the PAX are doing SSH.
Run to Carmel middle, stopping at each driveway for Agony’s Exponential Merkins:
Mosey to the track
Rest while Agony ties his shoes.
Timed Mile–Kirk taking the tape in a 6:07.
Partner up
Partner Durkins (15); Shoulder–Frontal, Lat, and Presses (15); Partner Durkins (15)
Partner Mile–while
Jack Webbs to 10
Mosey Home
Native American Run Home
> Regardless of popular opinion, I dress myself.
> Realized this workout turned into a tribute workout: The MerkinMile was a tribute to SwampFox, The TimedMile was for OneEye, the unnecessary JackWebb was for RunStopper.
> Good work from the PAX to push themselves.
> Unfortunately, the PAX missed the initial call as I parked my car for 10 Burpees as Kirk had Qed the waiting for sleepyhead. Grateful though cause it would have ruined my Burpee Free Guarantee.
[LOOKs like we are still banned from adding images, so google “Tongue stuck to a pole” for the image that would be embedded here].
The bravest of the brave arrived in the Carmel parking lot for their final workout prior to being iced into their homes. 10 pax peeled themselves out of their seat warmers to discover that Agony was on the Q and as the disclaimer clearly states, “not a professional.”
Lining up, the 10 PAX proceeded to run the fabled Indian Native American Guy-in-the-back-runs-to-the-front Run. However to add a bit of a twist–literally–an 18lb medicine ball was passed back, and then the man in the back sprinted to his front carrying this ball.
After surveying the course at Church at Charlotte, the PAX entered the hallowed courtyard to warmup (SSH and Mtn Climbers) and begin the #OldHundred with a sprint around the Church between each round, which at one point it was mandatory that you carry the big ball.
Running low on time we were not able to complete the second round so modified on the fly
Though there were a few bankers and econ majors among the PAX, counting seemed to a bit challenging. Plus it limited the mubblechatter. Though we did discover a new tag line for Waypoint, “Don’t do what I say, do what I meant to say.”
Much of the hot air was used on debating the naming of Big Easy or Who Dat? In concession as he seems to gravitate to BigEasy, I do declare that during the name-o-rama, the PAX must respond to Big Easy with a “Who Dat?” call.
Glad to see my EHs of two new FNGs were completely disregarded as they continue to fartsack.
With the dedicate crew of 10 PAX appearing in 25 degree weather, I am wondering if the #Ferns give out little hand-warmers with their free lollipops.
Hops closed us out with a strong prayer–impressive recall of the PAX facing challenges and in need of prayer.
PS-Property Committee at Church at Charlotte you all have a slight slope in the foundation that rolls the big ball into the Q as he does his LBCs.
24 PAX appeared out of the gloom to spur one another on.
The Thang:
:30 AUG (all you got)/:30 Mosey
1:00 AUG/1:00 Mosey
1:30 AUG/1:30 Mosey
Partner Pushup Pyramid
:30 AUG (all you got)/:30 Mosey
1:00 AUG/1:00 Mosey
1:30 AUG/1:30 Mosey
Partner Shoulder Press
:30 AUG (all you got)/:30 Mosey
1:00 AUG/1:00 Mosey
1:30 AUG/1:30 Mosey
Jack Webbs
:30 AUG (all you got)/:30 Mosey
1:00 AUG/1:00 Mosey
1:30 AUG/1:30 Mosey
Mosey to ShovelFlag
Adding to the things I learned category this week, old-school shepherds Qed by getting out in front of the flock and calling them forward. So, 26 PAX followed YHC into the gloom this morning as we went through an agonizingly “strings of pearl” workout. Wondering what a SoP is you can read about it here. Come to think of it, it may be too tough for you, I did it, but I am not sure you can handle it (page 99 of Freed to Lead)
#BarrySwitzer (more like a #JoneJunes): TheDisclaimer
Mosey to FireAntField
Warmup: SSHx25; EmperialWalkersx20; Merkinsx20; MtnClimbersx20
Mosey to TennisCourts
SidelineSuicides with 5+5+10 reps of Merkins, JumpSquats, DryDocks, and Burpees
Mosey to C@C corner lot
Active Recovery: WallSit
F3Golf tees off at some point and will cost $90/PAX, $360 for team of 4 (Sorta like the NCStateFair ticket sales discount: 4 tickets for a $1, 80 tickets for $20)
Having designed a Panther victory workout, I was forced to return to an old standby for our workout. The beautiful thing was that it forced us to keep count in our heads, thereby reducing the mumblechatter and bellyaching. So I took my frustration out on the PAX.
The Thang:
Mosey to the Carmel Fields
Warmup: 25xSSH, 20xSquats, 20xMuddyMerkins
Mosey to ChurchAtCLT campus
The Old100 (1 mini-lap after each set)
90–Mtn. Climbers
80–Walking Lunges
70–Windmill Planks
Mosey to the CaC courtyard
40–dry docks
30–Knee ups
20–Handrelease merkins
Halftime: (No Lap)
45–Mtn. Climbers
40–Walking Lunges
35–Plank Windmills
10–handrelease merkins
25xLBCs, 20xDollys, 20xRoselitas, 6inch
When I grabbed my shoes this AM, I discovered they were still soaking wet from the awesome Saturday Murph workout. So I had to go dig up my mud run shoes.
The last arrival redirected our initial launch out onto the fields of Carmel Park. From the mumble sounds like Hamlet found some residual puddles to do merkins in.
Rerunning this workout south of the border, the PAX of Area51 were more focused on the counting then the hecklers at Bandit.
I was impressed by the PAX who pushed themselves through this beatdown style of workout. The laps and high reps begin to add up, but everyone pushed hard.
In fact, I O2-deprived myself that I during COT when a guy introduced himself as “New Guy” I assumed that was his nickname and was about to close up shop. Thanks to Hops for the arbitrary 80s TV show recall when #NewGuy announced his name to be Blair (well we know who Hops had a crush on from FoL).
And don’t worry Skywalker, I won’t call you out for fartsacking this workout.
Run N Gun launches at Carmel Middle School. Paced 5k plus Tibata.
17 PAX continued my repurposing of church campuses, we hit Carmel Presbyterian. Lots of good areas to play. Not much on the creativity side of things, but this was a good old fashion high-heart-rate downpainment. Keep them moving.
The Thang:
Mosey to CPC
Warmups x20:
Bear Crawl up the ramp to pain station
Painstation (20reps+1lap)
NMLB Planks
11s: Box Jumps & Jump Lunges
Active Recovery: People’s Chair
Mosey to playground: 10 pullups, 20 merkins, 30 squats
Mary: LBCx20; Dolleyx21; RussianTwistx16
Indian…Native American…Original Americans…Run-from-back-of-line Run home.