Solo Substi-Q Due to Inclement Weather (Presumed) aka “Where’s everybody at?”

  • When:12/29/16
  • QIC: MAD
  • The PAX: MAD

Solo Substi-Q Due to Inclement Weather (Presumed) aka “Where’s everybody at?”

1 man answered the call this morning and posted at Meathead.  Or 1 man missed the call/tweet overnight and posted at Meathead anyway.  For those snug in their warm, dry fartsacks, this is what you missed:



5:28 YHC rolls in to an empty lot.  5:30 lot still empty but YHC is prepared to work.  No Q.  No site Q.  No other Pax.  5:32 exercise commences.   Grab the heaviest bell around and get moving.  No disclaimer needed.


50 Swings

Merkins x 10

50 Swings

Lawnmower X 10 per side

50 Swings

Racked Squat x 10

50 Swings

Diamond Merkins X 10

50 Swings

Cleans X 10 per side

50 Swings

Goblet Squat x 10

50 Swings

Lawnmower x 10 per side

50 Swings

Deadlifts x 10

50 Swings

Flutter Press x 10

Chaser: Wide Arm Merkins x 10

Total: 450 swings + some other exercises

Time: 6:12.  Good enough.  Done.

No name-o-rama.  Take out done quietly.


Waking up at 0300 to thunder, lightening, and heavy rain, YHC thought, “Great!  I can sleep 2 extra hours!”  That thought was immediately followed by, “Man, this sucks for the Q.  Nobody will show up.  I will go and support him” and then 2 hours of restless sleep as YHC waited for 0500 to roll around.  Memories of my VQ, which happened to be a Meathead, came to me.  A similar thunderstorm rolled in overnight and the crowd was small.  YHC still appreciates those who posted that day (Brown, HT, TR, Spack, Paper Jam).   Sure enough, the rain stopped on the drive over this morning and the conditions were perfect, standing on a dry covered side walk.


YHC kept seeing headlights and taillights coming and going on Hwy 51, hoping that at least someone would pull in to join in the pain/fun.  After 10 minutes, that hope was gone.  However, YHC got lost in the work.  At first, the music was good company: The Baseball Project – Vol 1: Frozen Ropes and Dying Quails.  You may have missed a little dancing during the recovery breaks between sets, but you’ll never know.  Then the phone battery died so 95.7 fm, The Riiiiiiiiide, was utilized.  YHC started thinking that the 1st F was clearly being met.  In fact, solo kettle bell work outs at home are usually not met with as much determination as those with the other pax of F3.  Funny thing happened though, YHC found himself working harder than usual today, as if not wanting to let him self down by modifying the impromptu weinke or taking long recovery breaks.  Surely there was no 2nd F, right?  Well, this 45 minutes gave YHC a great chance to focus inward and check-in with self and recognize feelings and re-balance priorities a little.  Eh, kinda close.  Fellowship with self.  Anyway, 3rd F?  You bet!  This all led to reflection upon those things for which YHC is grateful – list of which is too numerous to list.  Pertinent points for this BB include being thankful for F3 – for a group of guys willing to meet 7 days a week close to my house and put in the work and opportunities for 2nd and 3rd F which YHC often misses out on.  Thankful that YHC has the freedom and safety to exercise alone at 0530 in public and not worry – thanks to our country’s founding fathers, our military, our police force.  Thankful for this school where teachers come everyday to shape the lives of our next generation at meager pay.  Thankful for a loving God that does provide all that I need and who desires an intimate relationship with me.


This workout had many chances to not happen.  The weather was the most obvious reason.  Then, scrambling to get out the door, YHC discovered the garage door was broken – busted spring – unable to open manually (maybe YHC needs more deadlifting experience).  Fortunately, there was a car parked outside.  This required Kettle bell and gloves and water and protein bar and keys and towel to all be carried from garage through house out front door and around to the car.  Only grabbed one KB – my heaviest (45 lb.).  Coulda easily stopped here.  Then, empty lot at ELE.  Coulda listened to music for 5 minutes then headed back to bed.  Thankful for this hard work-out – grip strength is shot and typing is hard!


Considered posting a short BB with no details or not posting one at all.  Felt right to do it as it was done, so here you go.

In full disclosure, giving credit where credit is due, while this weinke was spontaneous in many ways, it was influenced by a 3 year old article by Dan John suggesting 500 swings a day for a month.

Although they did not show, YHC greatly appreciates the site Q’s who keep this AO going week in and week out.  YHC is much better for it!

See you in the gloom…AYE!

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MAD author

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7 years ago

Hats off to you MAD! Great backblast too. Yes the torrential rain and thunderstorms made it a tough one to gamble on especially with no work today!

High Tide
7 years ago

T-claps, MAD! Thinking of others (such as the Q), escaping the fartsack, ignoring the weather, and resisting the temptation to abandon the workout and return to the fartsack. And then, a solid Dan John inspired beat down! Well done!

Aye, we do have much to be thankful for. Glad to have you among us, brother.

7 years ago

Impressive, MAD! I woke up at 4:45 to heavy rain. Went back to sleep and woke up at exactly 5:34 to no rain!! Was disappointed that I didn’t go

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