I think Emoji could charm that coyote

I think Emoji could charm that coyote

Date: 2024-09-18 AO: meathead Q: Unplugged PAX: voodoo, The Worm, Uncle Leo, MARTA, Soul Glo, Emoji FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP: SSH Swings Prying Squat Fire hydrants/Sharon Towers Arm circles
THE THANG: Week 6, Day 2 of the flipper spreadsheet.
KB work: – RDLs 3×10 (5 per side) – Bottoms Up Press 3×10 (5 per side) – things got spicy :hot_pepper:here. Based on the amount of times PAX almost smashed their faces with a bell, it was posited that flipper has investments in dental practices. :tooth: Flipper always earning that :moneybag: – Staggered Swing 3×10 (5 per side)
SB Movements: – All H-E :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck::ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: and confusion broke out because the Q did really read the spreadsheet and gave poor & misinformed instructions. #leadershiplesson. We stormed for a few min, then normed. all good. 15 Mins of 1 min EMOM, rotated with a buddy. ‘resting’ buddy does 10 swings. Honestly, I’m still a bit confused. :man-shrugging: – Side Lunge 3X6 (l/r) – Leg Raise 3X6 (l/r) – Balanced Turn 3X6 (l/r)
Balanced complex 3x of 10 reps each – 10 Staggered Swings – 10 Lawn Mowers – 10 Staggered Merkins.
MARY: 13.256 seconds of an elbow plank. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Blood drive 10/4. COT: With Anvil PAX.

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