Meet & Greet with 90’s Pop Stars

Meet & Greet with 90’s Pop Stars

Date: 2023-12-01 AO: the-brave Q: war_eagle PAX: soft_pretzel, midriff, Rousey, fire_hazard, wingman, war_eagle FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: Mosey to the adjacent parking lot for standard COP.
THE THANG: Head down Community House to Endhaven. Stop at every other street lights to get to know Jennifer Lopez with 5 J-Lo’s (R+L=1).
In the Endhaven Elementary parking lot a little Four Corners. Corner 1= 10 pull ups; Corner 2= 20 derkins; Corner 3= 30 monkey humpers; Corner 4= 40 LBC’s. Complete all 4 corners then run a lap and a half to start from Corner 2. Complete all 4 corners then run a lap and a half to start from Corner 3. Continue like this until through the whole cycle.
Back down Community House stopping every other street light for 5 squats. Head into the Wells Fargo parking lot where we cozied up to Paula Abdul. Starting at Level 2 run up to Level 4 and then back down to Level 3. Called mary exercise by the Pax. Up to 5 then back down to 4 and another called exercise. We made it almost to the top before it was time to head back to launch just at 6:30.
MARY: Just whatever we did during the workout.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: – Midriff and family are adjusting well to the new son and brother. – Deck the Halls 12/15. This is a can’t miss SOB tradition.
COT: – Blessings for Wingman’s dad’s continued healing. – Soft Pretzel loves Train

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