Minimum Shminimum!

Minimum Shminimum!

DATE: 2023-02-10 AO: -Brave Q: Odd Job PAX: soft_pretzel, midriff, Taco_Stand, teddyf3, fire_hazard, Rousey, kirby FNGs: None COUNT: 8 WARMUP: Run to the end of the parking lot for SSH, IW, Merkin, then right into it.
THE THANG: Mosey uphill on Community House/Bryant Farms to the playground at Hawk Ridge. AMWRAP of: a) 5 pull ups b) 20 LBC c) run around parking lot and alternating with: a) 5 toes to bar b) 20 merkin c)run around parking lot
Mosey back to base the long way (up Elm and down Ballantyne Commons) stopping along the way for called exercise.
Total miles ~5.5 depending on number of circuits done in the AMWRAP. Who wants to just do the minimum?
MARY: Ya right, this was an OddJob led event.
COT: Midriff gave thanks for some positive momentum on his home repairs and for his F3 brothers. Kirby told the shortest Kirby story ever. Rousey had detailed questions about pooping.
Really great second F afterwards at the Panera. I am grateful for these conversations, the encouragement and support we show each other, and the willingness of those who open up to do so. Also, the poop jokes.

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