15 SSH
15 Imperial Walkers
10 Merkins
Calf Stretch
Runners pose – right foot, right hand, left foot left hand
3 Alcoves on east side:
15 donkey kicks
15 mike tysons
20 dips on benches
Repeat X 3
Lots of wet shoes and socks since no paved way to the alcove.
Lots of Small amount of complaining
Outer Road with Light Stops:
3 burpee, 3 American Hammers, alternating each light
Quick “Hot lap” around the oval
Partner Up at parking lot near flag:
TEAM: 100 curls, 100 shoulder presses, 100 squats, 75 LBCs
One runs to end of oval loop, other exercises
One more “hot lap” for good measure, back to COT…
6th man – O69
Announcements: None
Close out by yours truly
Great work by a smaller group today. Hard work put in by all.
About the author