Winter of Our Discontent

Winter of Our Discontent

7 PAX made Bernanke’s heart warmer by showing up at #F3Thrive to get stronger together. The Warmup Started by the cars. Ran around parking lot and over to the football field, where we found the gate locked. So we ran over by the not-stinky dumpsters for warmups.
  • 23 sidestraddle hops
  • 11 Imperial Sqwalkers
  • 8 Windmills
  • Sprinter Stretches
  • Calf Stretches
The Thang
  1. Ran to the square in front of City Hall.
  2. Quarter Pounder
    • Sprint 25 yards to corner of square & do 25 merckens. Run backward to start.
    • Sprint 50 yards to corner of square & do 50 squats. Run backward to start.
    • Sprint 75 yards to corner of square & do 75 mountain climbers. Run backward to start.
    • Sprint 100 yards to corner of square & do 100 sidestraddle hops. Run backward to start.
  3. Mosey to street by the business north of Carolina Courts w light poles. Stop and do 3 jump squats at every light pole along the way. Continue moseying all the way to the end of the road where we found a steep hill.
  4. 7s ON THE HILL
    • War Hammers at top of hill (World War II sit-up by adding 4 American Hammer reps at the top)
    • Lunges at bottom of hill
  5. At start of light road do 30 merckens.
  6. Webbicide (suicides to each light pole +5 merckens at each pole)
  7. Mary at wall by school entrance
    • Zebra Butt-kicks (From plank, bend that knee to 90 and kick skyward)
    • Fondas (on side, point toe, touch ground in front of extended leg, make a large arc in the air and touch ground behind extended leg, then arc back … that’s one.)
    • ABCs (spelled F3Thrive in the air with feet)
  8. El fin.
Moleskine Yup, it was colder than a well-diggers nappy. The site Q forgot what time the 5:30 workout was. At the end of Mary, our hips all just about died with the Fondas, proving Madison’s point that we don’t do many lateral workouts. El fin. Announcements:
  1. Start posting again.
  2. Bring an FNG.

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Bonhoeffer author

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