“Shh. Do you hear that? It’s the WIND of change.”

“Shh. Do you hear that? It’s the WIND of change.”

Nine PAX stumbled their way to Overdrive for the weekly kettlebell beating.  YHC upon arriving assessed the windy conditions and decided to huddle the PAX under the covered picnic area.  What a guy I am!  Hairband arrived early to get in a little Dora backpack time while YHC warmed up with yoga stretches for his broken back.  5:28 Bernanke rolls in on two wheels, per usual.  Shepherd eventually showed up after slaying some Philistines with the jawbone of a Glass Joe.

We have a Kotter – Playoff.  

A moderately executed DCCS and we’re off for a long(ish) mosey around the parking lot.  Circle up by the under the picnic area.


  • 10 baby arm cirles OYO – front and back
  • 10 big boy arm cirles OYO – front and back
  • 10 Michael Phelps – OYO
  • 30 second deep squat stretch.

The Thang: 4  X 10 X 1 HB mile

PAX completed 4 rounds: 10 reps of the called exercises for 5 minutes.  Repeat exercises in the round until the 5 mins are up.  Focus was on form (ahem Glass Joe) and not necessarily speed (ahem Shepherd).

Round 1: 

  1. Clean and Press – R
  2. Plank Jacks
  3. KB Merkin -R
  4. Snatch –  R
  5. No Merkin Burpee
  6.  Run a Hairband mile

Round 2:

  1. Clean & press – L
  2. LBC
  3. KB Merkin – L
  4. Snatch – L
  5. Burpee
  6. Run a Hairband Mile

Round 3:

  1. Goblet Squat and press
  2. Side Plank Point – R
  3. Diamond Merkin off KB
  4. Side Plank Point – L
  5. Burpee w/4 mountain climbers
  6. Run a Hairband Mile

Round 4:

  1. Lunge with curl (10 lunges off ground….for Hairband’s benefit)
  2. Halo R
  3. Perfect Merkin
  4. Halo L
  5. Burpee w/ plank jack
  6. Run a Hairband Mile

Round 5: (Ran out of time for this round, posted here for posterity)

  1. Shoulder press – R
  2. RDL – R
  3. Hand Release Merk
  4. RDL – L
  5. Run a Burpee off wall

After four rounds, ran short on time so did 1 minute waiter carries, each arm.  Many jokes were made about keeping the body erect and tight for whole minute.


  • 1 minute elbow plank
  • 1 minute glute bridge
  • 2 min of 6 inches leg lifts.


The PAX did a great job working through some full body movements.  The hairband miles in the wind were a bit of a beast but all got through it with guts and grit.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead and workout.

  • Great to see Glass Joe doing some full reps.  I know it’s a good work out when GJ is winded enough cut down a little on the mumble chatter.
  • Lamont is an 19 year old young buck in a 59 year old’s body.  Brotha killed the workout.  I wanna be you when I grow up.
  • I could hear Shepherd “singing in the spirit” with all the burpees we did.
  • Bernanke is still at the AO looking for a right-handed kettlebell and I think his head exploded with all the rep counting.
  • Gypsy is turning into a metal head with all the KB workouts.  Great job modifying the runs and keeping the heart rate up.  Great form suggestion on the perfect merkin….keep wrist at 45 degrees, elbows in.  Ouch!
  • Hairband was a bit sour that I had no music.  An oversight I hope to fix for next time HB!  Thanks for letting me Q, albeit a week later.
  • Edison as always is silently getting work done and setting a great pace to follow!
  • Playoff great to meet you and glad you’re back.  Good work completing the workout.  Keep coming.


  • Prayers requested for Madison’s daughter.
  • Gypsy starting a beginners runner group for folks doing first 5K.  Passed the word to family and friends if interested.
  • Potential F2 & F3 opportunity to deliver groceries to needy families via Common Heart. More details to come.



About the author

Tommy Rose author

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