The Word Moist

The Word Moist

Last night it looked like the rain may hold off. Well, this morning I got up and saw wet pavement outside and thought it must have rained earlier but when I stepped outside the reality hit me, literally.

5 PAX gathered under the cover of the middle school awning until it was time and off we went…

Disclaimer given
Let’s start a little different today, what are the 5 core principles of F3?!
Some blank stares initially, I don’t think anyone expected a pop quiz.
Then Madison started to throw some out and others joined in, here they are again:

  • Are free of charge.
  • Are open to all men.
  • Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold.
  • Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary.
  • End with a Circle of Trust.
    No, “Leave no man behind” is not one of them, it is the Credo.

SSH x 20ish in cadence
Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
Enough of that let’s mosey

Look no buses! I audibled before the plan started.

Line up at the first line of the bus parking spots, they are all numbered from 1-21 what we will do is run the even lines and do the number of merkins. Run to 2, 2 merkin, run to 4, 4 merkins etc. up to 20/20 merkins.

Somewhere around 14 or so I hear some #mumblechatter about starting over to catch up and had no idea what that was about until I turn around and see #LIFO Christmas! Yes he should do extra and embrace the suck that we have been in the midst of.

Once done we were off again until we got to the elementary school (with some backward running thrown in along the way) for some peoples chair and air presses, 25 then 75 then we were off again to the playground/track area behind the other elementary school this was the main event.

Cindy/modified Murph
5 pull ups
10 merkins
15 squats
run a lap
repeato until time is called which was about 20 minutes.

regroup and mosey back with some buttkickers, karaoke and high knees thrown in, back to the wall at the 1st elementary school with peoples chair/air presses this time 50 and 100

mosey back to the middle school again with some backward running for the next bit of fun.

40 stepups
20 Carolina Dry Docks
Lunge walk the “Gauntlet”

Next set
10 derkins
20 Flutter kicks
bear crawl the Gauntlet
repeato x 2

On the wall again peoples chair hands out in front of you and left leg off the ground, then right leg off the ground, (directions were given to make sure you put your left back down first.) then mosey back to the start for

Flutter x 20
Pretzel crunch 10 in cadence left, then 10 in cadence right
Backscratcher x 20ish


Moleskin… What was the weather like? According to Madison, moist. Agreed.

Apparently I forgot to post this so here it goes minus any further #Mumblechatter

About the author

Hair Band useradmin

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