Rock Training Day

Rock Training Day

Disclaimer was given. Explanation was given that this would start like a running workout with a quick jog, dynamic stretching, and then leg strengthening exercises.


5 min run down to the “Horse shoe”, back to the Pre School center and finally back to launch point.

Lined up for some dynamic stretching:

  • 20 steps on toes, in then out, jog it out to the other end
  • 20 steps on heel, in then out, jog it out to the other end
  • 20 “Bounding” exercises where you touch under a knee, jog it out to the other end
  • 20 B Skips, jog it out to the other end
  • 20 High Knees, jog it out to the other end
  • 20 Butt Kickers, jog it out to the other end

Rock Time:

We headed to a rock pile, instructions were given that we would be carrying the rock with us.

Round 1…

With Rock Overhead, walk to the bottom of the triangle

15 LBCs with the rock on our chest

Sumo Walk down to other edge of the triangle

15 Calf Raises with Rock on Bottom half of Steps

15 Calf Raises with Rock on top half of Steps

Put rock down (but not away) and take a lap around the track.

After the lap, we introduced some Lunge Walks while heading back up to our rocks.

Round 2…

Lunge Walk with Rock to bottom of triangle

15 Heels to Heaven with Rock

Backward Lunge Walk with Rock to other edge of triangle

Plank Sequence:

  • Regular Plank for 30 secs count
  • Right Hand up
  • Right Leg Up
  • Regular Plank for 30 secs Count
  • Left Hand up
  • Left Leg up
  • Recover!

15 Calf Raises with Rock on Bottom half of Steps

15 Calf Raises with Rock on top half of Steps

15 glute bridges

Partner Up…

Partner 1 runs to the bleachers for: 10 Steps each leg and 15 dips

Partner 2 15 Curls, 15 over head presses, 15 Behind the head

Back to the triangle and Rocks…

Lunge Walk up to the corner

15 LBCs with Rock on Chest

Walk with Rock over head up to the Rock Pile

Quick recovery jog through the parking lot as I wanted to get to 2 miles.


Great work by all. I had a few different ideas for this workout. Initially, was thinking the 12 days of Christmas. Then I thought about doing a “Nutcracker and the 4 Realms” workout to advertise for my STARring role in the Nutcracker this weekend with the Charlotte Youth Ballet. Okay, not the star, but thankful to be on stage with my daughtered doing something that she loves. Finally, went with a Running workout to start and some leg strengthening.

 I’ve been honored to be serving as the Co-Site Q with Thunder Road for the past year. I’m planning for about a month more and see proper transition for new leadership.


Holiday Party 2020 – Usually the weekend before Thanksgiving!

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Jello author

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