Unlucky 13 Days Of Christmas at Thrive

Unlucky 13 Days Of Christmas at Thrive

Firstly as I write I just discovered there’s another Drop around A51 now… Drop Clothe!  Sweet!

But I digress…

Last week Bernanke was desperate for a Q for Thrive, so I obliged. 

So I pulled out a classic, The 12 Days of Christmas workout. It goes a little something like the song.  You repeat every exercise each time and the numbers keep going up.

1 – Run a lap
2- Turkish get ups (Pax favorite)
3- Jump squats
4- LBC’s
5- Diamond merkins (couldn’t think of anything golden)
6- Imperial walkers
7- Rosalitas
8- Slow flutters
9- Low slow squats
10- Lunges (each leg)
11- Merkins
12- Burpees (Shephard was happy)

We made it through the twelve days, then I threw in an unlucky 13 for fun.

We stretched.  We laughed at Bernanke’s awkward jokes and we called it a day.

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Drop Thrill author

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