F3 Thespian: The Affinity Trail

F3 Thespian: The Affinity Trail

After Bernanke’s announcement about YHC being the lead thespian, 10 PAX at #F3Thrive definitely found their own affinity to the stage.

The Warmup

Everyone pulled up the F3UC Facebook page … clicked on Members … found 3 people they haven’t seen in awhile … messaged them.

Started by the cars. 30 sidestraddle hops, 9 potato pickers, hurdler stretches, & 10 hand-release merckens.

The Thang

  1. Ran to the memorial flags in front of city hall.
  2. Four Corners around circle in front of city hall.
    • 20 lunges (each leg)
    • 20 merckens
    • 20 side lunges (each leg)
    • 20 dying cockroaches
  3. Ran down Affinity Trail to the stage at Crossing Paths Park.
  4. Dora
    • 100 merckens
    • 100 side lunges (each leg)
    • 100 squats
    • 100 dying cockroaches
  5. Run back up Affinity Trail.
    • did some ballerina squats for the 6.
    • did some dying cockroaches for the 6.
  6. Ran back to launch. Sprinted to each tall light pole, 5 sec rest, sprinted to next.
  7. Ran to the wall behind the restrooms.
  8. Mary:
    • Wall sits … lift each knee to chest … I’ve called them skiiers.
    • Wall sits … extend each leg out in front for 7 secs
    • Repeato
  9. El fin.


Despite all the braggadocious threats about being able to summon bears from the forest, when we stopped on the forest trail for merckens, said blitherers were unable to perform. Not the first time they couldn’t perform on call.

Good to see Arsenal out with us. He ain’t kidding about that 50 degrees. We’ll see him again. He loves us, and we love him.

I’m taking suggestions for the name of a new workout. While doing wall sits and while sitting on the wall at 90 degrees, lift knee to chest, one at a time. Holy moly, it’s a good slow burn. Abs and legs. NAME SUGGESTIONS? Today, I called them skiiers.

El fin.


  1. Go to the F3 Union County Facebook page. Click on the list of members. Skim through to see who you know and haven’t seen in a while. Message them and invite them back. Go. Do it. For realzies.
  2. 2nd F opportunity = the SOB/A51 Annual Holiday Party. SIGN UP by 11/10!!! Dinner catered by Brown Bag. Beer, wine, soda, tea, and water. And of course, some of the best musical fellowship around.
  3. 2nd F opportunity = call up an F3 friend and plan a double date to come watch Bonhoeffer in the play AND THEN THERE WERE NONE. The last 5 shows of this legendary Agatha Christie mystery are next weekend … Wed 6th – Sun 10th … so get your tix now. There are many reasons this show is selling out … excellent cast really digging in … fantastic tech … gorgeous staging … chilling journey. What are you gonna do that’s more fun than this?! 》》》 https://www.carolinatix.org/…/deta…/and-then-there-were-none

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