Everybody Gone Runnin’

Everybody Gone Runnin’

YHC arrived Saturday morning to a full parking lot and two guys waiting to work out! We had five for the workout. Chick Fila is truly the new meca of SOB running sites I guess. But glad to have the men for Da Vinci that we had, here’s what we did:

Mosey to the big Target parking lot with high knees, butt kicks, and karyokes on the way. Circle up for:

10 low slow squats, 10 one legged squats (5 each leg), 5 merkins, 5 seal merkins, 5 burpees, 10 one legged burpees (5 each leg) – all IC. Then run one lap around the Target building and slow pace.

Once back, resume with more reps and more intensity: 15 seal merkins, 8 right leg burpees, 20 LBCs, 8 left leg burpees, 10 right leg squats, 10 left leg squats, 15 seal merkins. (Modify if necessary from one leg to two legs on each. And for the squats, make sure you stare at the discarded cigarette butt for balance!)

Then run the same lap, but run it hard. Probably a quarter mile or so. Mary to wait for the six and recover: 20 bicycle, 10 side plank leg lifts, 10 flutters.

Mosey all the way up the hill to the playground, stopping for two lifting rocks. Complete three rounds of a five station circuit: pull-ups, squat thrusts, curls, jump ups, split squats. (Pullup station is the timer)

Mosey back down (drop off the rocks) and end up by the walls behind Target. Complete a ladder of diamond merkins/wall climbs at 10/5, 8/4, 6/3, 4/2, 2/1. Mosey back to Chik Fila and…. time.

Moleskin: With a small number of PAX, its actually much easier/better to conduct a tough workout, stay together, and still get the 2nd F part. Really enjoyed it and great to have coffeeteria with the runners afterward. Good luck to the Charlotte half marathon participants (especially Chopper and Swine Flu) and good luck to everybody running Philly later in November.

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Soft Pretzel author

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5 years ago

Picked up some great hip tips – thanks!

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