Yeah, but not right next to each other. I thought that’s what you meant.

Yeah, but not right next to each other. I thought that’s what you meant.

11 men gathered in a school parking lot this morning at the only AO I can think of where we never go off campus. I remember The Shore taking us through the trails in the back once, but that only works in the summer when it’s light. The hills of Horsey are too far away. And the campus is big and diverse. Anyway, here’s what transpired…

Yog down to the track. The temp dropped several noticeable degrees on the way into the valley. Interesting. Chin Music called for an early adjournment when he saw the glistening ice on the track, but we prevailed. Too bad Yeti wasn’t there to turn on the heater for the track and field. Line up abreast for a little back and forth warm up across the field.

Continue the warmup jog around the track, then up Grandmother Mountain to the sidewalk. The recent building expansion included a fence that makes it less fun to get up to the Blue Door, but we figured it out. Partner 1 runs up the sidewalk to the Blue Door while partner B does an exercise. Repeated with both partners doing HR Merkins, Jump Squats and Heels to Heaven. Next, over to the bleachers for more of the same (dips, derkins while a partner ran some stairs).

Assemble next to the playground in plank position (abreast). One PAX does AMRAP pullups (3 for me), then gets back in plank. Next guy up, so on and so forth. Dollywood left after this, at 5:50. I’m impressed that he got up to go to a workout for 20 mins.

Down to the track for the main event. AYG 400, then turn around and recover jog the full 400 again, stopping at each corner for 5/10/15 of an exercise. We did three AYG 400s – exercises were HR Merkins, Jump Squats and Heels to Heaven.

Line up abreast on the goal line in two groups. Group 1 sprints to the 30 yard line and back. Group 2 starts when the last of group 1 crosses the goal line. Continue for 4 turns to the 30, 3 turns to the 50, 1 (cut from 2 to save time) to the other 30 and 1 to the far goal line. Guys always think that sounds easy when I explain it. It’s a real gasser though. The rests are not long enough.

Back up to the start with the usual (back in the days when we hand-signed a waiver before the workout) jailbreak up the parking lot. Done.

Announcements – Joe Davis prices go up (maybe today)

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Gummy author

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