Apparently there’s a new star wars movie out. 20 guys lined up at Cinebarre, a measly 6 hours before the first show time. The media was there, it was a big deal. A few guys got interviewed. Check out Alf’s and Tolkien’s interviews here.
After the letdown to many that we were most certainly not there to see that movie, here’s what went down. We ventured up the small hill from the cinema parking lot to the sidewalk along the eastbound lane of 51 with an initial plan of making a safe crossing at the Providence intersection. From somewhere in the rear, Horsehead grumbles “if we cross 51, I’m gone.” With immediately banged a hard left across 4-6 lanes of 51. Horsehead hung around. #emptypromises
Mosey up Providence toward town. Brief rendezvous at the Beverly Crest entrance. Against Gummy’s advice of getting out of traffic, we did +/- 15 low slow squats in the street to get the blood pumping. We moseyed deeper into BC and took mental note of three chalk markings on the pavement. After partnering up with someone of like speed, we met back at the 2nd mark. From there, P1 gave a AYG hustle one direction towards the club house and took a left or right on one of those side streets. P2 ran the opposite direction and turned on another of those side streets AYG til it ended. At the tips, they might have done 10 HR-merkins and hustled back to the 2nd mark. After most guys stood around for a couple minutes while a few guys did merkins, we flapjacked.
Most guys ran hard. It was about a half mile from the mid-point to the tip of each leg, for a hidden mile, of sorts. After we collected erybody, we jaunted back through Beverly Crest back to 51. We turned left towards Matthews and were greeted with collective groan that I’m betting was loud enough to wake Haze, 4 miles away in his bed.
Here’s where things got interesting. The plan was to run to Providence HS (which we did), and do a long lap around the campus (which we also did). When we hit the campus, fear and anxiety became palpable in several folks. A peppering nervous mumbling about there being lots of traffic, general questions about safety, there being too many people around. Instead of ringing the doorbell at PHS and asking if we could use their 2016 election results “safe space” to fingerpaint and talk about our feelings, we ran the damn loop. Sure there were buses and a few students around. Most guys appeared to use common sense and their own judgement to stay out of harm’s way.
We ran dual indian runs back to campus to wrap things up.
Tha skinny:
All y’all have a Merry Christmas. Always a pleasure to run with this crew. Enjoy the time with your families and friend and be thankful for what you have. We’re all blessed to have this strong network of guys to lean on one another through tough times. This season bring’s lots of joy, but can also be tough on folks that may have recently lost a loved one. Reach out to someone this week you haven’t talked to in a while – make sure they’re doing alright.
Convergences the next two Mondays: 12/26 at DMZ (Carmel Neighborhood Park), 1/2 at the Matrix (McKee Rd. Elementary). Check the world wide web for start times.
Great Q Hairball. BTW, the back door of the school was locked, so much for the “safe space”. I had to huddle against a hollow tree adjacent to the parking lot where several school buses were revving their engines…I felt scared and alone. Fortunately, the promise of crossing Hwy 51 followed by a twisted double helix of sweaty fatigued PAX attempting an Indian run on a dark narrow sidewalk with danger on both sides inspired me to go on. Thank you!!
Nice change of pace with the alternate launch spot and the new territory #keepitfresh. Enjoyed the group and the workout. Well done Hairball. Great to see some SOB’s this morning. Bunch of fast guys out there. All appeared to push hard. Amazed that no one got tangled in that double Indian run on the sidewalk. Thought for sure someone was going down.
Brat – I just showed at FT to confirm that HoneyBee and WildTurkey were in fact cheating on you. This has now been verified. So mission complete.
Shameless Plug: If you’re in town post at The Brave this Friday for something “special”… or do yourself a favor and at least read the Pre-blast and decide.
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