Leisurely stroll or a kick in the teeth? You decide.

  • When:11/19/16
  • QIC: High Tide
  • The PAX: Sony, Thatcher (FNG), Billboard, Fugitive (R), Drop Thrill, High Tide (pre-run)(Q)

Leisurely stroll or a kick in the teeth? You decide.

6 gathered (including 1 FNG) on grounds of Olde Providence Elementary School for a customizable KB beatdown.  Wanna start off your weekend easy?  Sure thing.  Wanna swift kick to family jewels?  No problem!  The choice was theirs to make.

The Thang


    • Suitcase (or farmer, racked, or waiter) carry your bell(s) to the far basketball court, with demos from Sony along the way
      • Side Straddle Hop (SSH) – 15 in cadence (IC)
    • Alternating one hand swings – 5 IC  (modify with 2-hand swings)
      • Slow deadlifts – 10 on your own (OYO) – discussion of how this hip hinge is the same power source of the KB swing
    • Alternating one hand swings – 10 IC
      • Hard-style plank – discussion of how a vertical version of this plank is the top position of the KB swing
    • Alternating one hand swings – 15 IC
      • Dead-stop swings – 10 OYO – discussion of the importance of a strong hike to begin the KB swing and staying in balance throughout the swing
    • Alternating one hand swings – 10 IC
      • Prying squats – 3 variations
    • Alternating one hand swings – 10 IC  (to complete a cool 100 swings to warm up)


Mosey to the little field between the basketball court and the playground

  • Turkish Getups (TGUs) – 6 IC (3 each side), with or without bell

Now, we’re warm and limbered up!


Playground Ladder (1-2-3-4):

Modify the ladder as desired, going as low as 3 or as high as 5, depending on your KB weight and objectives.

  • Pullup
  • Clean (L & R)
  • Press (L & R)
  • Squat (L & R)
    • After completing the top rung of your ladder, take a lap around the school (1/4 mile).
  • Rinse & repeat 3x total (or was it 4x…?)



  • Flutter press – 10 IC
  • Pullovers with press – 7 OYO
  • Dolly press – 10 IC
  • Windshield wiper – 10 each direction OYO
  • Louganis – 7 OYO
  • American Hammer – 10 IC

Mosey back to the cars.






  1. Christmas Party
  2. Joe Davis Run


Naked Moleskine:

YHC was in a giving mood today and decided to share his personal #weinke with the pax.  80% of what we did today was what YHC typically does in a #sadclown beatdown, with the other 20% being added for pax warmup or drills.  YHC had just done this on Thursday and was still feeling a little soreness and stiffness from it, so why wouldn’t we do it again?!

Also, this workout is very easy to scale up or down as desired/needed.  A lighter bell can be used for either an easier workout or one with more met-con focus by going higher up the ladder in reps.  A heavier bell can be used for greater strength and/or intensity focus.  Whatever you decide; it’s your workout – YHC is simply calling the plays and leaving the execution to you.

A big welcome to FNG Thatcher (Dan H), originally from Essex.  Thatcher was EH’ed by his father-in-law up in Davidson, so upon moving to S CLT, he looked us up on his own.  T-claps!  KBs can be a tough first workout, and he expects to be sore for a few days.  Seems to have a pretty good handle on the running component, so look for him at a bootcamp soon.

Drop Thrill was with us today, back in his old stompin’ grounds, blowing past YHC on his way in as YHC was pushing a pace too fast to be called MAF (#fail).  Smart modifications were made to protect his back.

FYI…yes, YHC’s #weinke is both written and laminated (with packing tape).  I figure, if you guys are gonna follow me around for an hour, the least I can do is thoughtfully plan the workout, not just make it up on the fly (which I’m sure I could do but intend not to do).  That way, I can consider the desired objectives and make sure I don’t overwork or underwork specific body parts (unless that’s the objective).  It’s laminated because the grass is wet and I sweat a lot – both of which make an unlaminated #weinke hard to read or fall apart.

Billboard continues to improve and shared his first post experience with Thatcher of “feeding the baby birds” some #merlot, after a Hoff-led gear workout at Ascent.  No birds were fed today, though!  We also learned from Billboard that Pong has been lost to the #fern with its later hours.  Here’s hoping he returns to the fold soon.

Fugitive put in solid work today, just quietly getting after it all morning.  #Respect earning respect!  Also, YHC discovered yet another reason to like this guy – his son is a sophomore at Alabama! #raisingthemright #RollTide

Sony chose the heavier route today, opting for the doubles option with a pair of 40’s (and we ain’t talking Schlitz Malt Liquor either).  Let’s say he’ll be better for it, if not a little sore the next day or so.  Well done!

Guys, it’s always an honor.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead today.  Aye!


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High Tide author

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Drop Thrill
8 years ago

Nice lead as always HT. Missed some of the usual suspects out there

8 years ago

Speaking of a kick in the teeth: I hear winter mudgear is on sale. @HT- any truth to that rumor??

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