SOFAWIB: The Modified Kirk (Take II)

  • When:03/01/16
  • QIC: Rundancer fka Sundancer (one word)
  • The PAX: Shingles (FNG Stuart Wilson), Seersucker, One Eye, Kirk, Iron Mike, Rachel, Snowflake

SOFAWIB: The Modified Kirk (Take II)

8 of the best in the Nation converged at SOFAWIB to grow closer to their most improved selves.

The Thing: The Modified Kirk.
It’s deja vu all over again, y’all.
Run the mile from Old E to HT and back. Head on over to the Buddy Bench Playground.
– 7 pull-ups
– 14 burpees
– 21 merkins
– 28 squats
– 35 flutters
– Run to the football field, AYG suicides at 50 yd and 100yds.
– Run back to the playground, resume kirking.
That’s one round.

Naked Man Moleskin: Let’s Talk Statistics and Politics
There are lies, damn lies and statistics. “We’ve seen an 800% increase in attendence!” is the kind of thing someone in marketing or politics would say. And while that sounds impressive, the number that’s its based on is just as significant.
What I’m trying to say is that I know longer feel like the cause for being solo last week.
Even if it’s pity attendance, I’ll take it and claim correlation and not causation. Which is also the kind of statistical nonsense you see on CNN or FoxNews to substantiate someone’s completely false claim. So the real takeaway here is that all politicians and pundits are bullshit artists and political consultants should be shot off the planet in a rocket aimed at the sun.
Happy Big Tuesday everyone.

Where was I? Right, the workout.
Welcome to our FNG Shingles, aka Stuart Wilson. He works for a roofing company, thus the name. He has a 3, 2, and 5 month old at home and must have been practically begging Seersucker to EH him for a workout. He didn’t throw up or get dropped on his first workout, so he’s ahead of the curve compared to some (ahem).
Rachel upholds the F3 tradition of naming our fastest after women. Kirk initially served as his north star for the route and was summarily shake-n-baked as Rachel dropped into 12th gear. He seems nice. I hate his guts.
One Eye chose a performance skully over the usual headband. I didn’t recognize him. I think it slowed him down, but it’s hard to tell as he’s lapping you for the third time.
Despite being a cyborg with superhuman speed and strength (“Sprength?”), I could actually see Iron Mike in the distance as we finished the closing HT mile. Obviously this means I’m getting super fast and am hearby renaming myself “Rundancer” (one word, damnit).
Snowflake is a great human being, and posting with him always makes me feel better. Grateful to you for coming out, brother.

5 Year F3 Party this Saturday at the Fillmore. Check the main site for more information.
Foundations of the Faith ThirdF group – Wednesdays uptown, 1900 Grill. Hit up @Simba_F3 for more info.
Church on the Street this weekend – sign up here

Thank you for making SOFAWIB your choice for hard workouts named after strast people.

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8 years ago

Is someone a little antsy about Super Tuesday?
Or is the political bile just coincidental?
Either way, great workout Sundanceroneword.
Even though I read the Pre-Blast, I still showed up. And will be better for it, as soon as I get off the couch.

8 years ago

A) know, Know, KNOW…so that’s what Rev Agony was saying. I thought it was Spanish.

2) Always sucks…sometimes I want to punch myself for coming up with it. I’m typically able to catch my breath during the exercises in this format, but the 14 burpees kills that for me every single time. I believe everyone got 3.5-4 miles plus 3-4 rounds of exercises in 45 minutes.

c) I was running on fumes mid-workout after pacing Rachel for the 6:25 opening mile #statistic and then I heard the siren song of Rage, which was a convenient excuse to slow it down and not pull a Sun Dancer in the cop’s bushes.

IV) Welcome to Shingles (also considered going one more – Polio – or even further down the rabbit hole – The Fountainhead) and props on a tough FNG post. My attempt at encouragement on the final mile (“almost halfway there”) fell a little short, but that’s about par for the course here.

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