Easy is as easy does

  • When:11/20/15
  • QIC: Schedule C
  • The PAX: Glass Joe, Shepard, Keifer, Happy, Counter Top, Lamont, The Count

Easy is as easy does

8 faithful appeared this morning to see what YHC had in store. There was mumble chatter about it being “easy.” And it was. For 3.5 minutes. Here is what UnionCo Pax found out:

Warm up:

  • SSH x 10
  • Air Squats x 10
  • Windmill x 10

The Thang:
Pick a parking space.

  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Air dead lifts
  • Merkins
  • Mountain climbers
  • LBC
  • Reverse Crunch
  • WWII sit-ups
  • Super mans
  • UDT flutter kicks

First circuit started with 5. Next was 10 and so on until we hit 20. This was a bit tricky due to the first set being so easy. The rest, not so much.


  • Homer to Marge x 5

Always a pleasure to lead and workout with the men of Union County. Very strong guys out there and the older guys were killing it this morning. Way to go!

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Schedule C author

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Glass Joe
8 years ago

Sort of pissed that I’m sore and never left a parking spot. Just wrong man. And with all those being In Cadence, it was a 100 of each or a 1,000 reps in all. I’d rather be running….

Drop Thrill
8 years ago

Ha! I love anything that makes Joe sore.

Had fun over at Mint Hill Metal making the boys suffer.

Drop Thrill
8 years ago

I’m stealing this for tomorrow’s Pain Academy. 🙂

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