Let’s be buddies.
Partner up. Yes, speed matters.
Run the AYG mile to HT (Right onto Rea; run to HT; loop the first pillar; back to OP)
With your partner (never leave him behind/ahead/too far to the side)
–Run to the playground and do 10 pull-ups and 30 dips on the Buddy Bench (Buddy Bench is required)
–Run to Concession Stand and do 20 squats and 20 incline diamond merkin
–Run to the Field and do 30 Russian Twists and 10 dumbocrats (partner 1 planks and does power merkins while partner 2 does derkins, flapjack)
–Run through the woods and to the top of Foxworth hill (at stop sign) and do 10 partner derkins and 30 Flutters (single count)
Run back to field, concession stand, and playground and do exercises. That is 1 round.
Complete as many rounds as possible until 6:05.
Run the mile to HT and back.
Olde Providence Elementary. Rally at 0520, we catapult into the gloom at 0530 sharp.
Let’s go.
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