Headbangers Ball(s) Pt. 2

  • When:11/06/15
  • QIC: Hair Band
  • The PAX: Spielberg, The Count, Glass Joe (2.0?), Countertop, Horsehead, Kiefer (FNG), Hair Band (QIC)

Headbangers Ball(s) Pt. 2

If you were at Thrive on Tuesday you experienced part 1, here is part 2…

The Thang

Grab bells and circle up for


Disclaimer given in more detail than usual since we were going to be swinging some heavy balls (except Glass Joe’s hollow gobstoppers as pointed out by HH) and an FNG in the group

Side Straddle Hops x 10
2 handed Kettle Bell swings x 20
By special request of Countertop, 5 Elephant Walks with a 5 second hold on the out stretch.(https://t.co/pDGfId7LCq)
Imperial Walkers x 20

Partner up for catch me if you can
P1 5 merkins
P2 farmer carry bells

2x around #HairbandMile loop, when done 50 2 handed kb swings.

Catch me if you can this time with LBC’s when done Sumo/Teabagger squats

Grab bells and partner up to the hill
P1 run to top of hill 5 burrpees and back
P2 KB Curls
Do this until 100 combined curls completed

Round 2:
P1 Run hill, 10 LBCs at top
P2 KB Tricep extensions
Combined to 100

Round 3
P1 Run Hill 5 Merkins
P2 Overhead press
Combined to 150

Circle up
KB snatches, 20 per arm


Flutter w/ kb press x 20



Welcome to FNG Kiefer, I had some O2 dep so don’t remember exactly how we got there, something about the show 24 based on where he lived previously, Jack Bauer, etc. For his first time out he hung in really well, no doubt smoked but strong 1st post! Trying to chase Glass Joe with his hollow bells was a tough task.

Great having Horse out on a Friday, the #Mumblechatter is always strong with that one.

CT is the veteran workhorse, especially when he comes up to me and says “Great beatdown but what happened? Your Tuesday Q was harder.” Well, this one was a little more “pick things up and put them down”, Tuesday had more sprints with bells mixed in so I can see what he is talking about. Between the 2 this was better for FNG Kiefer though.

Great seeing Spielberg and The Count out there #KeepPosting better yet sign up to Q more!

If you don’t have a Union County shirt yet I think we only need one more to get the order complete, of course you can order more than one. Only 1 week left so get off the fence and place your order!  http://f3.mudgear.com/collections/newest/products/f3-union-county-pre-order

Joe Davis Run is coming up
Turkey Bowl flag football – See Spielberg for details.

Thanks for the honor to lead!

Hair Band


About the author

Hair Band useradmin

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Drop Thrill
9 years ago

Welcome to the pax Kiefer!

Good to see you feeling good enough to lead again HB. I don’t k now why you and I have been through the wringer this year, but buddy watch out 2016 we’re coming for ya!

9 years ago

Good to check out the #Diesel guys on a Friday for a change. No Compass for me today, as we had DaddyDaughterDoughnutDay at the school first thing this am.

Tip to make this one (much) harder – ditch the curls and tricep extensions and replace with complex movements. Racked squats, squat to overhead, clean and press, etc. A simple change ratchets up the suck factor on this one very quickly.

Next Saturday 11/14 is Gear Day at the Outland. Can’t wait to welcome Glass Joe back from his Eastern Voyage with more of what he loves.

Glass Joe
9 years ago

To be fair, I bought my kettlebell from HH. So, if it’s hollow, just more example of HH refusenik.

Good Q. A really bad Q for trying to lift trays of Stew and BBQ today.

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