The Smokey 2

  • When:11/03/15
  • QIC: Kirk
  • The PAX: One Eye, A-Bomb, Ickey Shuffle, Cheese Curd, Kirk (Q)

The Smokey 2

5 MEN gave up the comforts of the dry, warm bed to celebrate the Panthers’ OT win by tackling The Smokey.  Here’s what happened:


Turn left out of OP to run the mile down to Providence Lane West. For those unfamiliar, this half-mile long road has a slight hill with five side streets.

Route: Strava map – love the elevation graph

Mosey down Providence Lane West and complete the following at each side street: 20 jump squats, 20 merkins, 20 knee ups (A little twenty twen twen). 100 of each per trip.

At Lancer, turn around and run up to Rea (no stops – this is a pure run / AYG up the hill). Repeat.

Most got in close to two full circuits, so something like 160 merkins, jump squats, and knee ups with close to 4 miles of running.  Appreciate One Eye providing the take out.


With about 4-hours of sleep, YHC was moving a little slower today (and apologies for not putting a full, creative effort into this BB either).  If memory serves, Agony and I clocked 4.8 miles + last time, but One Eye and I only hit 4.3 today with two full circuits.  Cheese Curd finally figured out his alarm clock and made it out on a Tuesday.  Glad to have you, brother, and by the way, it’s always going to suck.  That’s by design.  Ickey and A-bomb are becoming regulars.  Great to have you guys coming out.  This one is a little more run heavy, and I remember my legs killing me from all the jump squats after the first time we tried this.  Going to be a sore night / morning, I imagine.

Sundancer was a no-show, as were a lot of regulars, so all bets were off.


  • GO VOTE!  Seriously, every single vote counts.  Do it over lunch, leave early, or on your way home…but do your civic duty and Vote.  That includes you, Curd…find your polling place and vote.  Expected low turnout, so your vote could make a difference.
  • Area 51 Christmas Party is 12/12 at Sardis.  Save the date.
  • Area 51 is serving again with Church on the Street (COTS) December 5.  We filled two of our five spots this month, so it’s time to step up.  I promise you’ll be glad you did.
  • Metro is collecting Turkeys for Mission I’m Possible on 11/14.

We’ll be back at it next week.



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Kirk author

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Cheese Curd
9 years ago

I wanted you to know all workout, then in the announcements, now in the BB….that Sucked! I guess I am better for it??

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