3 Min Hard is Harder Than It Sounds

  • When:8/21/2015
  • QIC: Strange Brew
  • The PAX: Tiger Rag, Stump Hugger, Honey Bee, Sanka, High Tide, Strange Brew, Bobsled (FNG - Richard S)

3 Min Hard is Harder Than It Sounds


7 pax showed up fulfilling YHC’s prediction, for the first time an FNG posted at Mountain Goat and actually seemed to like it, crazy.  Noticeably no one joined YHC in wearing the metro uniform but tht didn’t deter me from carrying on regardless.  Speaking of carrying on…

The Thang:

1 mile warm up to the end of Strawberry Lane and back to the parking lot for some dynamic stretching in professional runner style but without the duly noted and disclaimed professional.

Mosey back to the speed bump in front of the school on Strawberry Lane as the starting point for 6 rounds of 3 min hard (1.5 min out, 1.5 min back) to recover as a group for 2 min.  The wrinkle is that the route out is primarily downhill which unfortunately turns into an uphill on the way back which makes the second 1.5 minutes more difficult.  It seemed as if the watch started to malfunction as the rounds progressed as the recovery felt shorter and the runs felt longer.

A 10 or so min cool down jog was then adhered to with the accompaniment of the Carpenters Superstar courtesy of TR’s phone, this was actually the most sensible tune to come out of the phone all workout, you would have had to have been there to hear some of the others as I’m not sure I could even tell you what most of them were.


It was interesting that on the first interval significantly more distance was covered in the 1.5 min out than the subsequent intervals, no names shall be named as I think this happened to almost everyone.  Note that Benny Hill (see TR’s tweet) was also apparently a believer in intervals of a similar and yet different kind.  Great to see so much effort out there, Honey Bee remarked (and YHC wholeheartedly agreed) that after Swift and Devil’s Turn this just hurt.  In full disclosure this workout was essentially completely re-purposed (stolen) from Bratwurst and slightly modified so Cobains to Bratwurst for that.  It was pointed out that EACH interval should have a second by second count down from 5 before starting (thanks TR), YHC will work on that for next go round.  Welcome to our FNG Bobsled who was opportunistically EH’d by Honey Bee after a previous Devil’s Turn, really great to have you out!
Great takeout by TR to make up for his earlier mumblechatter

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Strange Brew author

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Honey Bee
8 years ago

That was indeed painful. Thanks for not naming names on the deviations. #guilty Great workout!

8 years ago

Honey Bee confided to me that his new watch tracks moon phases. This morning was Waning Interval. He went out like a scalded dog on the first round (with Sanka in hot pursuit), but one thing his new gizmo watch doesn’t do is play the PHAT TOONZ because he stayed within earshot of DJ Talks-a-Lot on most of the rest of them. Curd would have been pleased with the playlist (including a bluegrass cover of Freebird).

I can’t take credit for the Carpenters. That request for Superstar came from our 56 year old FNG, Blunt (which Brew subsequently shortened to “Bobsled”). I think Blunt dated Karen his junior year at Jamaican High (true story….parts of it)….A quick aside: if you find yourself pondering the decline of American popular culture, start with the oboe, or more preceisely, the lack of oboe. This place has been going to Hades ever since they took oboes out of pop music. Nary a reed to be found, much less a double. And bassoons? You’re high on unicorn farts my friend. The warm down was not unlike this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4J4SOO73B0

Anyway, your boy Blunt was stee-rong and would make a good sub for Alf’s BRR team, Jerry and the Atrics.

First post to Swift Goat. Good stuff.

Sponge Bob
Sponge Bob
Reply to  Tiger-Rag
8 years ago

T-claps, just for saying what nobody else has the guts to say TR. Oboe’s are what make America…America. And, if any of our presidential candidates have the marbles to bring it up despite the need to be PC, they’ve got my vote.

Reply to  Sponge Bob
8 years ago

Echo de menos a su alter ego español en Twitter . Habría disfrutado de mi otra oferta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_XoNAU98pc

Adiós. No seas un extraño.

High Tide
8 years ago

Good run, Strange Brew. It was brew-tal, partially due to the return uphill and also due to my lack of pacing ability, a trait I shared with others today. The Mountain Goat earned its moniker today.

With the heat this am, I was tempted to join Brew in wearing a metro uniform; however I was concerned the reflectivity off my fair skin would be brighter than that of my reflective shirt.

The tunes almost reminded me of Meathead, where tunes are a staple, but there are no oboes at Meathead. Just Meatheads and metal (KB & tunes).

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