Spartans! PUSH! Spartans! Prepare for glory! (or spring break)

  • When:04/03/15
  • The PAX: Header, Sanka, Geraldo, Buttermaker, StrangeBrew, MrBrady, PuddinPop, HorseHead, LobsterRoll, SkyWalker, Smokey, Bundle, DuctWork, ClownCar, Freedom (QIC)

Spartans! PUSH! Spartans! Prepare for glory! (or spring break)

15 Spartan-esque beasts emerged from the gloom and mist of Joust stadium to re-define the pain of 300

 The Thang:

Team up into groups of 3.

Each group picks a single kettle bell of choice to be carried for the duration.

Mosey to the Stadium. Dropped off KBs at the track and Mosey to 50 yard line for COP.


20 SSH

30 LBC oyo

20 Imperial Walkers

30 LBC oyo

20 LSS

1 Lap around the track 75%

 4 Corners:

Partner 1 – KB swings while partner 2 & 3 do said exercise.

Partner 2 & 3 – 30 LBC’s at each corner

Mosey to each corner.

At each corner Partners trade for KB and do KB swings.


Partner 1 – KB Pulllovers while partner 2 & 3 do said exercise.

Partner 2 & 3 – 30 squats at each corner

Mosey to each corner.

*An Audible was called at turn 3. Apparently Grandma was calling and we busted it up Grandma Mountain and back to then continue 4 corners*

At completion of Lap 3, the Spartans were in need of some continued Leg Pain. ….Mosey to the bleachers.

 Bleacher Work:

Partner 1 hustles with KB to top of stairs and does 20 two-handed KB swings while partner 2 & 3 do bleacher step ups. Upon partner 1 returning, the ole switch off. Until each team does 2 full rounds of said exercises.

We then modified to 10 KB swings and did one more round to the chagrin of the beasts.

Mosey to the top of the bleachers.

30 LBC’s oyo

 Peoples Chair (conclusion):

Peoples Chair would continue the quad pain and at 30 second increments we lowered 1 inch and passed KBs to the left, until each Spartan held his own for two rounds. 30x Air Presses each round completed the drama.

Mosey as a team with KBs to COT

Circle up:

30 LBC’s

Header Hi-Jacked and called:

15 Burpees

300 LBCs total

TYVM Header for taking us out!


YHC hopes that his VQ was challenging. Joust is by far my toughest workout and to lead these beasts today was a real honor. Great to see Bundle back out there today. He killed.

I noticed that the chatter ended and quickly turned to complaints, which made me very happy.

Special props to all of you first-time KB beasts. KBs are incredibly fun and challenging. I hope you’ll consider checking out some of the KB AO sites. If you hammered through today, you could make it at any KB workout ….unless Tiger Rag is on Q. Then, by all means… run… or you will surely die, especially the next morning when you try to roll out of the fart sack. 🙂

We had a surprise visitor at the COT who was jogging by. We engaged him (of course) and tried to shame him into coming next Friday, although im not sure he valued our wisdom.

To make a long sappy story very short, F3 has been an amazing journey for me. I want to thank my good friend and beast Header for EH’ing me (although it began with shaming me) into this brotherhood. Also, for the chance to VQ at Joust. Amazing. I also have to thank Slimfast, StrangeBrew and Geraldo for cheering me on at my first AO @Peak51. Stonecold, TigerRag, Bulldog, Sanka and Sssssudio were also huge encouragements and inspirations to me. There are many more of you…. THANK YOU

I AM CLYDESDALE. I’m pretty…but im not fast.



*Zippidy (sp?)  Donations still being accepted. Also continue to pray!

*Donations still be accepted for Enduring Warrior (Mud Run)*

*F3 Golf still looking for hole sponsers. Contact Bananas for more info*


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Freedom author

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Strange Brew
9 years ago

You are inspiring other pax by your embrace of getting into shape and your personal leadership was evident from day 1. Was an awesome Q, first of many I am sure,sonally proud and blessed to be able to get to know you.

9 years ago

Some Observations:

1) Workout Qs should have a theme song, like Hulk Hogan or the Rock and Roll Express. If not, a melodramatic entrance will do. Runstopper has this figured out with the thumping bass. Freedom may take the cake though, riding in on the Hog with 4 mins to spare. Most VQs show up at 4:30 and pace around nervously. Not the big man.

2) Encouraging when I got dusted by Lobsta, while he was running with the bell. Not.

3) Running with the bells hurt. Imagine running with 47 more lbs on your six, because that’s how much Freedom has lost doing F3.

4) TClaps to Puddin for holding in his #wetfarts during people’s chair this time.

9 years ago

Solid VQ Freedom, you’re inspiring and getting stronger. I have to second Horsehead and that was a great entrance, no theme music but the sound of motorcycle pipes.

Drop Thrill
9 years ago

Hate I missed out on your VQ Freedom. 🙁 I had already HCed for a Schedule C beatdown at Overdrive (which sucked about as much as this looks like it did). Looking forwrad to your first Q at Peak51. Congrats on the weight loss and good to have you back in the western hemisphere again.

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